Chapter 42 (Year 5)

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River's POV

I walked to the quidditch field, for our first match of the season. We were going to play Gryffindor today; I entered the locker room, seeing the boys had already changed. I walked to the bathroom's changing into my uniform. 

"Everyone ready?" Draco asked our group, as I finished changing and joined the others. 

"Yes," We all chanted back, Draco nodded as we walked out. The weather was horrible, it was raining so hard we didn't know how we were going to see. We quickly pulled on goggles and gloves. Blaise and Theo who just made the team bounced on their heels.

"I can't wait, they are going to lose!" Theo said.

"Did you teach all the Slytherins the song?" Draco asked,

"Yes, they loved it," Blaise said. 

"That song is horrible, it's evil," I said.

"Oh, shove off, River, it's going to be great." Theo said, I shook my head.


"Slytherins!" Madam Hooch yelled, we all flew in and took our positions. 

"Gryffindor's!" She yelled. They all flew in and took their spots. Weasley was shaking on his broom as he went to the goal post.

"Is that Luna wearing a lion hat?" I asked Blaise, who was looking at her sadly.

"Yeah, she's supporting her friends," 

"Blaise, why don't you just talk to her if you feel so sad?" I asked,

"The game is starting," he said, I looked down seeing Madam Hooch floor the quaffle in the air, I flew over, catching it easily and throwing it to Theo, who was kicking a Weasley away from him and caught it, throwing it back to Blaise, who dropped it as he was watching Luna, I fly down quickly, catching it, quickly.

"What an impressive save by the very beautiful, River Potter, that Harry won't let me talk too, ow! Professor Snape." Lee Jordan said, I smirked.

"Intercepted by Katie Bell!" he yelled, I glared at the back of Katie's head, and followed her/

"Theo!" I yelled, coming up to him.

"What is it?" He asked,

"It's just us now, Blaise is to distract by Luna to focus," I said.

"I know, we're going to lose this!" He said,

"And it's Johnson, Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me —"


"Why can't I hit on the girls like this!" Lee yelled,


"Fine! Now was back with Nott on the quaffle. He tries to shoot! And score, for Slytherin!" He yelled

"Now, back to River, who deserves better than Draco Malfoy, Ow! Mr. Malfoy, when did you get here?" He yelled, I laughed, and sent the quaffle to Blaise who dropped it again, and just managing to get Theo to catch it again.

"Blaise get your head in the game!" I yelled,

"I do have my head in the game!" He yelled,

"Weasley cannot save a thing, He cannot block a single ring, that's why Slytherins all sing: Weasley is our King. Weasley was born in a bin, he always lets the Quaffle in, Weasley will make sure we win, Weasley is our King." The Slytherin stands started singing, I looked over at Weasley, who started shaking on his broom again,

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