Chapter 45 (Year 5 Christmas Part 2)

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River's POV

I woke up in the bed the next morning, alone and confused, I sat up, seeing the Weasley twins weren't there either. I got up rushing out of the room and downstairs, finding Sirius sitting on a couch and flipping through a magazine, all the Weasleys expect for Ginny Weasley, downstairs. The boy I had seen the day on the third task was here, Bill Weasley, I think his name was, and so was Mrs. Weasley who looked at me surprised, not knowing that I was staying here. 

"Where is he?" I yelled, Sirius barley batting an eyelash, didn't even look up from his magazine

"Where's who?" He said, shrugging,

"Sirius what have you done?" Mrs. Weasley asked, he pursed his lips trying not to smile.

"Sirius! Where is Draco! I know he's not in his room and everyone else is here," I hissed,

"First of all, at least say good morning first," Sirius said, I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest, and tapping my foot against the ground, impatiently. He stared at me for a second. Something crossed his face, and he blinked it away quickly.

"Fine, he's tied up in the storage room," Sirius said shutting his magazine, the Weasley's all started howling with laughter as Mrs. Weasley and I looked horrified. 

"What!" I yelled.

"Sirius! You can't tie up children and lock them up!" Mrs. Weasleys yelled,

"He was a little prat! I couldn't help it!"

"How long has he been in there?"

"Well, when I saw that you snuck into bed with him, so I say about four hours now," he said, looking at the watch on his arm.

"You are impossible Sirius!" I yelled,

"Yeah, you too, Lilly, I mean River," he said, quickly. I ignored him and walked upstairs, throwing open the door to the storage room, seeing Draco leaning his head against the wall, mouth gagged, with feet and hands tied up.

"Oh, Draco," I said, shaking my head. I leaned down starting to untie the rope with my hands since we couldn't use our magic. 

"This is what you brought me too!" He yelled, rubbing his wrists once he was free. 

"I'm sorry! I swear he won't do it again! I'll make sure of it," I said, helping him up. He signed, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Let's just go get changed and get breakfast. " Draco said clearly not wanting to talk about it, I nodded, before we both went into separate rooms to change. Once we were done, we went downstairs to a smug Sirius.

"Did you enjoy your closet?" He asked, tilting his head evilly at Draco.

"Very," Draco hissed, rolling his eyes. Sirius chuckled quietly, as I threw him a dirty glare.

"Is breakfast ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, help yourselves," Sirius said. We nodded and walked to the kitchen, sitting alone in the corner. I looked at Draco's wrists seeing red bruises. 

"I can't believe him I-" I signed; not being able to believe Sirius had tied him up.

"It's fine, let's just eat," he said clearly not wanting to talk about the closet anymore, I nodded, as we started to eat breakfast.

"Well, I don't think it can get any worse than this," I said, Draco just shrugged, putting his toast down.

"I wanted to spend Christmas with your family, and our friends annoying us,"

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