Self sufficiency / immortality

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Izuku's hair changed to black and eyes to blue. He took a hat and some glasses and walked to the airport. He already knew it was a matter of time the judge gets caught.

As he was giving the staff his air ticket for confirmation , a dog came to him barking . Those guys really wanted him in jail to the point of making their dogs familiarize with his scent.

Izuku moved his glasses so that his eyes could be seen. The dog saw his eyes glow red and could only see a predator looking down it's prey. It whimpered and backed off .

" Here's you passport and ticket sir " Izuku nodded and walked away.

3 hours later.

" We are about to arrive at Paris , please put your seatbelts on " The captain announced via speakers.

Izuku was reading some books concerning fighting and human psychology.

" Hey sir , I'll recommend you to close your laptop , we will be landing in 5 minutes. " An air hostess said.

" You should wipe your nose " Izuku said still reading at a high speed

" Excuse me ?"

" May I have a bottle of soda " As if on que , the air hostess had a nose bleed.

" Uh yes sir " She said as she got back .

Izuku heard her talk to her superior about his attitude .

Soon a man came with a canned soda .

" Your soda sir " He said handing Izuku the soda

" Sir , I'll kindly ask you to remove your belongings and put them in a safe place before landing "

" Sure " Izuku looked at the guy and he felt suddenly nervous. He excused himself and walked away.

Izuku took the canned soda .

" To knowledge " He said as he drank the soda

As he drunk the soda , he felt something fall off only to see his molar.

Cerebral capacity : 40 %

He started violently coughing and few other molars got out . Suddenly , he seemingly started disintegrating. He touched the skin on his hand and it peeled off.

The guy opposite to him saw this and Izuku put him to sleep before he could shout.

' If the habitat is unfavorable , the cells will choose self sufficiency or immortality '

Izuku stood up and the staff noticed him. He ran to the washroom however one of the staff caught him before he could enter. Izuku waved his hand and the man flew away.

Izuku tried closing the door however his fingers had disintegrating or were disintegrating so he had difficulty but nevertheless succeeded.

He looked at the mirror and saw his face deforming

In hurry , He took his backpack and removed the bag containing CPH4 . He removed some of it in a hurry and started eating it.

His face reformed back to normal and the disintegrating stopped for a while however the CPH4 started spreading throughout his body and he started choking.

" Sir are you ok ?" The air staff asked still banging the door

Izuku's cell soon gave up and disintegrated leaving no trace of Izuku .

Author : Well this concludes Cerebral capacity .




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