A little bit of revenge.

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Izuku was taken to the judge after three hours of prison . If he could hurry up , he could still catch a flight to Europe. He had hacked into the flight files and changed his destination to Europe.

Izuku stood right in front of the judge , he could see his ex classmates ,  Melissa and other pro Heroes he had association with.

Cerebral capacity : 33%

Izuku's eyes glowed and the judges phone rang.

There was a text written by Izuku and money transfer.

Izuku : Bail me out and I might just not reveal your pathetic affair alongside giving you this

You have been sent 3000000 ¥

The judge looked at him reassuring his safety.

" You honor , Izuku Midoriya has been   found guilty of 34 murders , 1 attempted murder and he's been in position of a drug known as CPH4 . " The prosecutor said.

" Your honor , How can a quirk less kid be strong enough to overpower over 30 men with quirks and even bodyguards of the Yayorozu and The drugs that I have are for medicinal purposes of course. " Izuku said.

There was some heated argument until the judge shouted for order in the court .

" It is true someone quirk less can't overpower quirked people. He's quirk less because of a quirk dampener that had seemed to have taken effect 27 hours ago. So I see Izuku Midoriya as Innocent " Everyone groaned in annoyance but the law was the law.

Izuku was set free and as he was about to enter a taxi to go to his friend , class 1- A showed up.

" Deku , you think you're better than me just because you became famous and was found innocent " Izuku just walked past him.

" Hey his talking to you ' Shoto said as he froze him where he was. Some Class 1-A students backed off remaining with Shoto , Denki , Mineta , Bakugo , Ochako and Ojiro .

" You have 30 seconds to leave me alone or else you'll be enjoying your  miserable life in jail. " Izuku said.

" You don't scare us shit stain "

" Your loss " And exactly after Izuku's words the police found them and arrested the abusers.

" Are you ok ?" A police officer asked and Izuku shook his head.

He looked at the police officer strangely before the police officer started feeling nervous .

" I- I'll just go sir , I- if you'll excuse me , "Izuku stood up , dusted himself , gave a mocking smile at his ' bullies ' and walked away.

" Hey , need a ride ?" Izuku turned to look at the voice and saw Melissa on what seemed to be a car.

Izuku entered the car without saying a word. " Drop me in ******* at ****** " Izuku said with an emotionless voice .

" O okay then , let's go " The trip was boring especially with Melissa trying to initiate small talk . It seemed that she still had a crush on him.

" Thank you for helping me"  Izuku said as he took the briefcase containing the drugs .

" H-hey can I come " Melissa stammered and Izuku just motioned her to follow him.

Izuku soon came to the door required and banged it. Soon a lady came opening it.

" Oh my gosh , you scared me .... I missed you " She said as she engulfed Izuku in a hug . Izuku hugged her and  unintentionally used his x-ray vision on her.

" Yeah , me too. " Izuku said to his friend.

" So , who's this lady ?" Aiko asked.

" Aiko , this is Melissa . She wanted to help me and it's only fitting I welcome her to see our home " He said.

" You know what , am just gonna live. See you around Izuku " Melissa said with a fake smile.

" What's up with her ?"

" She has a crush on me , and she mistook you for my girlfriend. Anyway may I borrow your laptop. ?" Izuku asked.

" You know what , go and apologize to her first then we can talk " She said.

" I already sent her a text , she'll be ok " Izuku said showing her his text.

Aiko sighed and gave him her laptop.

Izuku started typing at a very fast pace.

" So you're not gonna believe what happened to me " Aiko said already forgetting today's event.

" I was applying for the nurses office and I got the job .  And there's this guy, he's a doctor and he's so cute like very cute . You know cute and handsome kind of way. " Izuku listened while still typing and reading some documents.

" We hit it off and guess where he took me "

" Four seasons , royal suite and we made love all night " Aiko and Izuku said in sync.

" Am sorry am talking about myself , how are you and Ochaco ?"

" She's in jail " Izuku said still typing. Aiko looked at him as if it was a joke and smiled .

" You guys are crazy , am gonna take a shower " She said as she left him.

Izuku finished his research on everything involving the brain and on a side note started writing prescription of his friends.

As Aiko finished showering , Izuku had already printed a prescription on her.

" What's this ?" She asked.

" A prescription , your kidneys aren't functioning well . Take this medicine and change some of your lifestyle and you'll be alright . " Izuku said.

" Wait , when did you become a genius expert in medicine ?"

" Since am hour ago , I'll be back in three days " Izuku said as he left her in the house.

Cerebral capacity : 36 %

Izuku's powers

Increased IQ : Can remember everything . Can learn anything in a matter of seconds.

Increased strength : Can lift up to 700kg

Control of electromagnetic waves : Can control technology to the point of hacking into any system.

Reduced emotions : A side effect of his Increased knowledge.

High pain tolerance : He can't feel any inflicted pain.

Control of people's emotions : Can sense and control people's emotions at a low degree

Echolocation : Self explanatory

X-ray : Can see objects organs and life force.

Cerebral capacityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang