Out of U.A

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Shigaraki had one final quirk set for the final if he lost . He would rather die killing this pathetic heroes or not die at all. He charged his quirk ready blow up.

" No , Am not losing . If this is it then you heroes are accompanying me to hell " Tomura shouted.

Everyone was shocked as Shigaraki's body inflated ready to blow up. Before anything else could happen , Izuku jumped to him and decapitated him , not a wonderful site.

Everyone was shocked to see the cinnamon roll take a life.

" What did you do " A hero shouted.

" I saved us , he was going to blow up , if it was any sooner , we would all be dead and so would the people in the vicinity " Izuku said defending himself.

" Ochaco you understand me right ?" Izuku said almost pleadingly.

" I can't believe I fell in love with a monster like you " Ochaco said shattering Izuku's heart

' Monster ?' Izuku eyes seemed to lose life.

' I can't believe I bore you as my son , you're nothing but a monster ' Izuku remembered her late mother words.

" Izuku Midoriya , give me back my quirk . Am disappointed in you Midoriya , I had high hopes for you . " All Might said as he took back his quirk.

He walked to Katsuki and gave him One for All.

Izuku was left powerless , abandoned by his family , his father figure and finally his girlfriend but there was hope wasn't it. He was going to cling to that hope if it was the last thing he did.

The trip back was quiet , no one dared say a word.

" Izuku Midoriya , report to principal Nezu's office. " Izuku walked to Principal Nezu's office with his head low as people started whispering about him , how he savagely killed a villain.

' I killed to save countless of Innocent people don't you see , am not the enemy. Am not ........


A monster '

Izuku felt his tears trickle down.

" Wait , didn't his parents die two months ago ?"

" Serves him right scum like him don't deserve love." Izuku's heart was breaking very fast.

Izuku reached Principal Nezu's office and was allowed in.

" Izuku  , this might be hard to take but from now on you're officially expelled from U.A High . You'll be required to leave by today evening. " Izuku's heart completely broke.

" Izuku , I'm ... " Before Nezu could finish Izuku ran away crying.

' Why , why me ? Why's my life so hard. ' Izuku thought as he shoved some students passing them . He went to his room to pack his stuff when he heard something .

" Finally Izuku's leaving here. Man he was bothersome. Let the crybaby go to his mommy " Kaminari said .

The class agreed.

Izuku packed his stuff and walked out but was stopped by Momo.

" Hey if there's something .... " She was stopped when Izuku yanked her hand.

" Go and bitch to someone else about how perfect your life is. Or better yet , go to Shoto to let him put his stick up your ass. " Izuku coldly said before walking out of U.A High school.

" Guess this is the end of my dream. " Izuku looked at the sky as droplets of rain started falling down his face.

' I guess Katsuki was right all along. I should just take a swan dive of a roof ' Izuku thought .

' Goodbye cruel world ' Izuku said as he walked to the roof of an apartment ready to jump.

' Finally I am free .... ' Izuku said as he released himself for the rails.

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