Escape / Hospital

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Cerebral capacity : 21 %

Izuku had finally tapped to further reached of his brain and he had formulated at least 38 plans on how to get out. Izuku sat down cross legged and waited for the right moment and that's when the thug that hurt him came.

" Kid , here's your food " He said throwing it at him like a dog.

" No thank you shit stain , I rather eat garbage than that " Izuku said giving him a mocking smile.

The man got angry and his hand turned into metal. He walked to Izuku with anger.

" You know what , I don't give a shit what the boss wants , you're dead " He said as he threw a punch .

Izuku caught his punch still his eyes closed. The man was flipped before being axe kicked in the face breaking his jaw and falling unconscious.

" Pathetic " Izuku thought as he took the keys and a gun .

He took the gun and fired one shot to the thug .

He got out and found the other thugs mind there own business eating supper

" Hey " he said before shooting them at an incredible speed before they could react.

Izuku went to the table and ate the thugs food. He took some of their money and his ticket to America.

He got out satisfied , he's next stop was the hospital to remove the god forsaken drugs.

He met a two taxi drivers smoking . " Hey can you take me the hospital ?" He asked.

" Beat it kid I .... " Suddenly a shot rang and the taxi driver fell down with a bullet between his forehead.

" Will you take me to the hospital ?" Izuku asked once again and the man rushed opening the door for him.

" Enter customer " He said as he ushered Izuku in .

Cerebral capacity : 21%

The driver was tense while driving however Izuku was facing problems of his own. It seemed he could here the voices of people talking through the phone , television and any electronic devices

The driver soon stopped at a local hospital . " We're here " He said.

" Wait I'll be back " Izuku said as he hid his gun at the back. He walked at the hospital and people started glancing at him. Can't blame them since he was covered in blood. He saw a sign to the operation room and walked to it.

He looked around and saw an operation room where a man was being operated at . He walked in and started observing the x-ray image of the brain among other images of organs

" Hey kid , get out . An operation is in process. " one of The doctor said.

Izuku looked at the x-ray well and his eyes slightly glowed.

" Hey kid "One of the doctors said.

" I need help it's urgent " Izuku said.

" You cannot be in here " One of the doctors said

Izuku removed a pistol and pointed at the doctors. They all shut up and Izuku sensed a man about to call 911 . He shot the  doctor.

" Don't do anything stupid. " Izuku said as he went and took some surgery clothes still pointing a gun at them .

" He looked at the operated man before shooting at him. " One of the doctors fainted.

" You couldn't save him anyway , too much  invaded cortex on the right side of the spine. " He pushed the dude out and sat at the operating bed ( don't what it's called )

He pointed the gun at one of the doctors.

" Somebody put a bag of drugs in me , I need you to remove it , it's leaking " Izuku said.

" Right, I'll just administer a local anaesthetic " One of the doctor said .

" Don't bother " Izuku said still pointing the gun.

" Ok just calm down please , am just going to examine it " The doctor said as Izuku lowered the gun .

Izuku watched as the doctor cut the thread on his wound and finally found the bag . He removed it carefully not letting it enter his blood stream.

" How much is in it ?" Izuku asked

" About 500 grams " the doctor said as he came back with a bandage .

" May I ? " Izuku gave a nod .

" How long will my body take to eliminate the rest of the drugs inside me ?" Izuku asked

" To answer that, I'll need to know what the drug is " The doctor said.

" CPH4 " Izuku said and he could practically sense the doctor surprised .

" Can you tell me about it ?" Izuku asked

" CPH4 is produced by pregnant women at the 6 week of pregnancy in tiny quantities . For a baby it packs the power of an atomic bomb. It what gives the feotus the energy required to form all the bones in the body . If it really is CPH4 , in this quantity am amazed you're still alive." The doctor said still putting the bandage.

Izuku's eyes glowed green a little and he finally spoke




" Not for long "

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