A job

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Izuku couldn't remember what happened next or how he found himself in a hospital bed. Once the doctor saw he had woken up , he called a man who seemed to be well off.

" Izuku Midoriya , I have seen you have been through a lot and I have a job for you. You will be rewarded with money to last you 3 years " The man said.

Izuku hesitated . " Am listening "

" Wonderful , a drug has been placed inside your intestines , I want you to go to America . You'll be met by our guys. And under no circumstances will you be allowed to talk with the cops. " The man said.

" And if I refuse " Izuku said. He wasn't afraid of death anyway.

" I wasn't asking you , now " The man gestured and some brutes came handling Izuku in a rough manner.

He was taken to a place where he met three other people each he assumed had the drugs in them. The was two men and 1 woman , all seemed to be in their late 20 and early thirties , he was by far the odd one out.

" Now everyone , you'll be required to your countries. No talking to the cops , no interaction with anyone apart from our men. Do that and we guarantee , you'll get out alive " The man grinned.

Izuku tried using the embers of one for all.

" Now I know , you're probably wondering where your quirks are , it's quite simple. They are temporarily lost but not to fear , they'll come back in a week "

" The drugs in your intestines also known as CPH4 are quite potent and even the slightest doze could make you ran mad , so don't think of doing anything stupid " He said looking at Izuku.

" Now chop chop , let's get this party started " He said as the brute men came placing bags on each of them .

The leader grinned soon came to look at his ' goods when blindfolded but Izuku was not blindfolded at the time and took a good look at the leader.

It was none other than Hashira Yayorozu , father to Momo Yayorozu.

He was blindfolded and taken to the gangster's hideout. He panicked and feared for the worst , being violated.

" Get comfortable kid , you'll be here for some while " The gangster said and threw him to the floor of what seemed to be a cell.

' Asshole ' He thought. The gangster looked at him .

" Hey kid what the fuck did you say " Izuku shut his mouth , he didn't want to say it out loud.

The man came to him and beat him up . His colleagues came to defend Izuku but not before the man kicked him in the stomach. They chained him and left him in a bloody state.

They soon got out and that's when things took an about turn . Turned out the man had broken the bag containing CPH4 during his beatdown.

The CPH4 started entering in Izuku's blood stream and he started having seizures . They were intense and as if gravity was different he started having seizures to the wall as he went up .

It was excruciating . He soon reached the roof and the lights started electrocuting him however the seizures didn't end.

His body started floating to the other side of the wall and Izuku gaining back his control held to the chain that held him opposite to the wall the gravity seemed to pull him to.

Suddenly the gravity turned back to normal and he fell down to the floor.

Somewhere else.

( Read if you want to , not a must but if you're a somehow a nerd like me , you can read )

" Animal life on earth goes back millions of years. Most species only use 2 % to 5 % of their cerebral capacity. But it isn't untill we reached human beings that we finally see a species use more more if it's cerebral capacity. 12 % may not seem like much but it's a lot of you look around and see what we've done with it.

" Now let's discuss a special case , the only living being that uses it's brain better than us , the dolphins. It is estimated that this incredible animal uses up to 20% of its cerebral capacity and this allows it to use echolocation more efficient than any sonar invented by mankind. Can we therefore conclude that humans are concerned more with having than being."

" For  primitive beings like us life seems to have only one single purpose, gaining time and it is going through time seems to be also the only real purpose of each of the cells in our bodies to achieve that in the mass of the cells that make up earth worms or human beings as only two solutions be immortal or to reproduce . "

" If the habitat is unfavorable or unnatural  the cell will choose and work hard in other words self-sufficiency and self-management thus immortality . However if the condition is favourable , the cell will choose reproduction "

" imagine  what our life would be like if we could access allowed to say 20% of our brain's capacity The first stage will give us access to control our own body , then the control of  others however for that , we would need at least 40 % of our brains capacity then the control of matter "  A beautiful lady in her early 20s said.

" Excuse me professor , what about quirks " A young man said.

" You see , we access a part of our brain to control our nature thus bringing about what we call quirks not the whole brain. "

" Professor has this been proven scientifically or is it theory ?" Another asked.

" Uh there has been one however in the pre - quirk era however it is a long time ago this we don't know if it's true "

" Then what happens when you reach 100% of our cerebral capacity ?"

" In Christian mythology , God created the fruit of life and knowledge. God said to the man and woman not take from the tree of knowledge And life however the snake one day came and told the woman that God was afraid that they would be like him. "

" Like any great deceiver , he had truth in it however , man had to work to reach it "

The student who asked the question replied " So when you reach a hundred 100% of your cerebral capacity you attain godhood. "

" That is correct , it is time men took a step from evolution to revolution " The lady took her books concluding her lesson.

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