lxiv. | "is this really happening?"

Start from the beginning

Dorottya watched her go. That woman had quite the personality going on, but she didn't mind it. It was better to be full of excitement and happiness than to be full of sadness, disappointment, annoyance and rage all the time. Dorottya wished she wasn't so easily annoyed though, or else she could be just as positive as Stella.

Stella was most definitely her new rolemodel. She was going to be just like her someday.

A loud creak just beside her suddenly pulled Dorottya's attention from Stella. Dorottya stared at an open door to the white house with blue trim and brown bricks, the darkness behind that same door seeming endless and haunting. Dorottya glanced between her list and the creepy door. Dorottya didn't want to go inside the house, she wanted to go to the store, and her mind was screaming at her to run for the hills. Nevertheless, Dorottya began to make her way up the brick pathway.

There was something strange and alluring about this certain house that was attracting her interest and pulling her towards it. Dorottya could feel it, but she couldn't determine what it was quite yet, it's why she wanted to investigate, to see what was captivating her.

Dorottya stopped right at the doorway, her hand on the frame of the door, the other still holding the list. She looked back, unsure if this was the right decision because if she walked in here she would have to continue investigating to see what was up and why the house was unusual, yet Dorottya still stepped inside despite all of her hesitation in those few moments.

As she stepped inside this unfamiliar house, she could hear someone unrecognizable calling her name down the hall. Dorottya closed the door behind herself, walking further and further into the house, following the voice calling her name. Dorottya took her time walking through the house, looking at the paintings on the walls and the very odd looking objects placed in very unusual spots of the house.

Just down the hall was another open door. Well, the only opened door. Dorottya continued down the hall, clutching the list to her chest. She felt so afraid right now. She looked behind herself, feeling like every person in the world was eyeing her right now. Maybe someone was actually eyeing her and she just didn't know for they were so well hidden from the naked human eye.

Dorottya stopped at the door, looking down the incredibly darkened and never ending stairwell. This seemed to be the basement to the house, but why did the house want her to go down there? What was down there, a monster, a villian, a person or an animal?

Staring at the stairwell made her not want to go down it, it was making her nauseous. She almost decided to abort the side quest, but then the voice of the house started calling her name again, though it was now almost singing her name. Whatever this was, it really wanted her to walk down these stairs.

Dorottya inhaled a few breath's. She had to investigate more so, especially since this place didn't seem safe. She had to do her part in protecting Westview and helping Vision with his whole safety protocol. She put one foot out in front of the other and made her way down the stairs, her heart rattling in that chest of hers with each step she took.

Once she reached the bottom of the stairwell, she found nothing but a very creepy room with voodoo witch things scattered all over. Dorottya glanced around nervously. "Uh, hello?" her voice echoed in the small room. "Anybody home?"

"Yes, I am home." a lady cackled behind her. Dorottya whirled around to find all too familiar black haired woman in a short jacket dress. She remembered the woman, but to see her having been the one to lure her down here was shocking. But the thing about this lady that shocked Dorottya the most was the violet orbs circulating in her hand. "You are ours now, and we will find everything about you, about Wanda and about Vision. . . all inside that head of yours, but first we need you to make Wanda angry so she won't think about looking for you when I search your mind."

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