19. He's Really Angry

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It was finally the much awaited Christmas break. As expected, the Marauders and Marauderettes were going to spend their week long break at the Lupin's. All of them were very excited. Especially Sirius and Sylvia, who loved the Lupin house a lot more than their own. There was bad news though. On the last day before holidays, Lily found out that she would be only able to come for Christmas dinner as her family wanted her to spend Christmas with them. Of course, the others understood. But then, Andromeda sent an owl to Sylvia at the last minute, asking her to come and spend the holidays with her.

Sylvia and Andromeda had a unique sister- mother relationship and Sylvia really didn't want to upset her, so she too, decided she would join the Christmas dinner. Sirius, who didn't want to spend his holiday doing girly stuff like makeovers and manicure, like Sylvia and Andromeda would, refused, much to Remus' happiness.

Robert's parents were out of country on a business trip so he too, could stay. Rose was upset that Sylvia and Lily both weren't going to be there, but she was happy that at least Roxanne would be and she wouldn't be stuck at home with boys. Hope, however, unintentionally dropped a bombshell.

Now, Roxanne was rather skilled at novel- writing and she was currently working on one, called 'The Chronicles of Narnia'. She had sent to a relative of hers who was a publisher and to her shock and happiness, her aunt had loved it! So she called Roxanne to France where they she could help Roxanne finish it and publish it. Hope was very glad to hear the news and sent a letter to the girls telling them that Lyall and Roxanne would leave for France first thing tomorrow morning and be back by the Christmas dinner.

Rose was also very happy for her sister, as getting her book published was her dream, but she was disappointed too, though she didn't show it. It looked like she was going to be spending her Christmas holidays with the Marauders. Not that she didn't like them of course, she just wanted a girl with her too.

Sylvia, Roxanne and Lily felt very guilty when they realized that Rose would be all alone and they all insisted that she join one of them, but Rose refused, not wanting to ruin their Christmas. Remus, although he knew it was mean of him, felt annoyed that Rose would be there at home. She and Remus didn't really get along that well. Sirius, Robert and James, were however looking forward to the holidays, because they knew that Rose and Remus would definitely give them some entertainment. Rose knew this and that just annoyed her even more.

Rose woke up the next morning in her comfy bed in her own room at her house. She gazed at the alarm clock, not wanting to get up. Reluctantly she did so, but was too lazy to change so she simply went down like that, deciding she would just drink some juice and take a nap again. This was sort of unlike Rose though, as she was early riser, but the journey last night had tired her out.

Rose went down in her shorts and loose crop top down to the kitchen where, because she wasn't wearing her glasses, she saw a blur at the table and assumed it was her mother and Remus. She opened the fridge door, pushing her super messy and tangled hair out of the way and took out the bottle of OJ when she heard her mother snap,

'Rose! Look at you! Don't you know we have guests over? Go change at once!'

Rose, who had just taken a sip of juice spit it all out. Of course! The Marauders were here. That must be them at the table. Right on cue she heard Sirius chuckle. Embarrassed, she ran upstairs, and banged the door behind her. Ugh! How could she forget! Feeling terrible, she simply flopped back on her bed. She sighed. No, Hope would be angry if she didn't come down, changed. She got up against her will and changed into a denim skirt and a dark green sweater. She was about to go down, but something stopped her. She gazed at herself in the mirror and noticed her glasses, chapped lips and messy bun. Although she didn't know why, she took her glasses off and put contacts, let her hair down gracefully, and even applied a pink vanilla flavored gloss. Pleased, she went downstairs. When Hope saw her, she, she smiled to herself and made a mental note to ask Rose which of the Marauders she was crushing on. When Rose saw the Marauders, she blushed, remembering her embarrassing encounter. Remus, James, Robert and Sirius looked amused however.

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