16. A Terrible Misunderstanding

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'I didn't mean to- but listen you can't go, the potio- 'she began but was cut by James.

'You sneak!' he said,' you think we'll listen to you? Because you see, unlike you, we care about him,' his voice dripping with hatred.

'No, no!' she said, eyes sparkling with tears,' listen to me, it's dangero- '

'please don't ever come near us again!' said Robert, giving her a look that made her heart shatter into pieces, and the boys got up and left without another word.

They looked so angry that Rose didn't dare follow them. She would go too, then, and stop them, even though it seemed that the Marauders and Marauderettes were broken up for good.


The following night was the full moon. The boys went to the girls' bathroom right after dinner to take the potion. To their extreme dismay, however they found out that Rose had thrown away its contents earlier when she had been alone in the washroom.

'well,' said Robert,' I suppose it was for the best.'

'yeah, Remus would have had a fit if he found out what we were about to do,' said James gloomily.

For the boys had carefully kept Remus out of their plan, because they knew that he would, under no circumstances, let the others go with him after taking a burnt potion.

'Let's go back to the common room,' sighed Sirius, and then he brightened up,' we'll play a prank on Frank and the others!'

Rose, meanwhile was crouching in the dark, behind the greenhouse, waiting for Remus to go to the Whomping Willow with the others. That was where she meant to stop them from going with him. Because you see, Rose herself had forgotten that she had thrown the potion away. And now, she was waiting in the cold to stop the Marauders who were not going to come.

The time flew by and Rose shivered in the cold, wrapping her cloak around her. She was fuming. Idiots. But, then, a part of her reminded herself that she wouldn't listen to herself either if she had been in their place.

Then she finally saw Remus against the light of the full moon as he hurriedly ran towards the magical tree and entered the secret tunnel made for him which led to an empty shack. To her surprise, she saw that Remus was alone.

Of course. The boys would obviously not have told Remus about what they were going to do.

She waited and waited but no boys came. It didn't occur to her that they weren't coming. Then, another idea hit her. What if they were already waiting in the shack? Before Rose even came, in order to avoid her?

She decided to go there too. Her head high in determination, she walked briskly over to the tree and entered the tunnel.

It was very stuffy and she was finding it quite hard to breath. After what seemed like hours, she reached the end and entered a dim, dusty room. Sitting in the corner was Remus, biting his nails, waiting for the clouds to clear and the transformation to begin. His mouth fell open at the sight of Rose. He was so surprised, he forgot he was not talking to her.

'Rose?!' he exclaimed,' You can't be here; it's dangerous; I can transform any minute now.'

'Aren't the others here?' she demanded.

'Why would they?' he asked confused, then added coldly,' it's not like they took the potion.'

And then Rose remembered. That she had thrown it away. She smacked her forehead and turned to Remus.

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