4. Apologies, Vampires and Talking

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The next day dawned bright. Rose was awake but she didn't want to get up. She had spent the whole of yesterday ignoring the boys and only talked to Lily. She felt very sad though, for she missed talking to Remus. But there was no way she would forgive him, unintentionally pummeling her pillow aggressively. She sighed and reluctantly woke the others up.

As the girls were going down to breakfast, she met Remus and James. They were apparently looking for her.

'Oi! ROSE!' James yelled. Startled, she turned and saw him. She frowned and ignored him. Remus who was with him, ran up to her and stopped her.

'Rose please just give him a chance,' Remus said to her. Rose looked behind him where James was levitating frog spawn into a fifth years' bag. She looked back at Remus with her eyebrows raised,

'yeah, I don't think that's happening. Anyway, why bother? I do get in the way, after all,' she said and stalked off without another word. Remus looked confused but suddenly he realized where she got that from. Groaning he dragged James over to Robert and Sirius who had just woken come down.

'she heard us yesterday when we were walking down to the Great Hall. I am guessing she only heard part of it,' said Remus, upset.

'oh,' said James.

'oh come on, Rose!' said Lily as they walked down the corridors.

'yeah Rose, I am pretty sure it was just a misunderstanding,' said Roxanne.

'They were probably just letting off some steam,' said Sylvia reasonably.

Rose was now starting to feel guilty for being so harsh.

'all right, I'll talk to him after class,' she said.

Lily smiled and said,

'good girl.' They all giggled.

After class, Rose kept true to her word and went up to the boys who were sitting on the grass under a tree.

'can I talk to you?' she asked Remus.

'sure,' he said.

'alone!' she said pointedly looking at James, Robert and Sirius. Sirius grinned at her in an apologetic way and she, noticing his grey eyes for the first time, almost smiled at him. He noticed this and grinned even more broadly, making her blush. James smirked at this scene but Robert didn't look too happy.

'come on,' she said to Remus, trying to cover up her embarrassment and grabbed him the wrist and pulled him but Remus lost his balance and fell.

'oh sorry,' she said sheepishly. He rolled his eyes, got up and followed her to a corner where they couldn't be overheard.

'I am sorry I was rude earlier,' she said.

'I am sorry too. What did you actually hear us say?' he asked.

And so they cleared up their misunderstanding. Remus told her what actually had been said and she felt even more guilty.

'don't sweat it,' he said, pulling her nose playfully.

She laughed and hugged him but then jumped back quickly.

'Ewww you are sweating! Literally!' she said wrinkling her nose.

Remus rolled his eyes and said,

'it's hot!'

'that's your excuse?' she said shaking her head and laughing.

Then more she asked him seriously,

'When is the next full moon?'

'this Thursday,' he said resentfully. She smiled gently at him and said,

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