18. My Best Friend's Brother

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It had been a week since the Marauders and Marauderettes were back to normal. Madam Pomfrey had eventually healed all of them as well as telling them the relieving news that since Remus hadn't actually bitten anyone, none of them were going to be werewolves. This news helped lessen the guilt Remus had. But it lessened it. Didn't completely take it away. Remus wouldn't show it to anyone, but it was eating him up from inside. He found himself unable to concentrate any more in classes. Not really noticing where he was going, he went to the back of wet courtyard, slumped down, his face in his hands. He could feel tears threatening his eyes. Suddenly, he heard a soft,

'Hey,' besides him. Startled, he looked up and saw a...


An actual duck, just standing there white. Had the duck said 'hey'? Remus thought he had gone mad and rubbed his eyes, still gaping at the duck. Then, it threw its head back and laughed.

Yes, laughed, a soft, crystal- clear laugh, full of mischief. He knew that laugh too well. Sylvia.

He blinked and the duck was no longer there, but Sylvia, in her robes which were soaking wet from the rain. Everything was wet really, because of the rain. She was laughing.

'oh your face!' she said giggling. She had used her metamorphagus ability to turn into the duck.

Remus rolled his eyes, annoyed and said,

'What do you want!?'

She stopped laughing and looked hurt.

'Nothing...just came to cheer you up...you've been moping around lately; don't think I haven't noticed...well, I'll be going since you don't want me here,' she said, her nose in the air, pretending to be offended.

'No, no... I didn't mean it that way...' he said grabbing her wrist as she made to get up.

She froze at his warm touch and quickly sat back down.

'what's wrong?' she asked more softly. He buried his face in his hands again.

'It's all my fault...' he said.


'the...you know what.... I hurt everyone,'

'yeah.... you were really hungry I guess...' she said offhandedly.

'not helping, Tonks...' he said glaring at her and she noticed his chocolate brown eyes were so...chocolatey brownie.

'oh sorry,' she said blushing,' well, for all it counts, you weren't in your right mind and you couldn't have controlled it.'

'yeah, but- '

'oh stop whining,' she snapped and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

'And for the last time, it wasn't your fault,' she said as sincerely as she could while getting up and trying to hide her red face.

Why had she done that! Now he must think that she was mad. She couldn't be falling for him, could she? No.... maybe. She was sure. At all.

She looked and saw Remus grinning.

'Well, at least you look a little less that Moaning Myrtle now,' was the only comeback Sylvia could come up with, but she gave him a small smile before going to her classes, one which Remus returned.

Meanwhile Roxanne, Rose, Robert, and Sirius were going to the library to work on their group project for Potions. Sadly, they were against Lily, James, Sylvia and Remus.

'Well, it's a group project so- 'Rose was saying when she was interrupted by Roxanne.

'So are we invited?' she said cheekily.

'where?' Rose asked confused.

'To your wedding, of course!' exclaimed Roxanne as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sirius started laughing, but Rose and Robert looked embarrassed. Robert managed a weak smile and said,

'It was just a friends thing,' and he walked up ahead.

'was it?' Sirius asked and Roxanne started to laugh again but stopped at the hurt expression on Rose's face who was thinking about what Robert said...

...Just a friends thing...

She, too without a word, walked up ahead.

'ooops,' said Sirius, thinking about the awkward situation.

'yeah, ooops is right,' said Roxanne sighing. She would have to make it up to Rose in their next training session.

'Well, at least we can talk about the next show peacefully,' said Sirius grinning.

'yeah...' said Roxanne, smiling back, all too aware of the butterflies in her stomach.

The training session were going great in fact. Rose was actually very surprised to know that Roxanne was a very fast learner and was almost up to the level she was. Roxanne did try to make it up to Rose for earlier and she succeeded, but with difficulty. Rose seemed to have taken it to heart; her main weakness. Rose, of course, did take her revenge, and during the whole 45 minutes of practice, she kept dropping hints about Roxanne hitting on Sirius. Roxanne, who was busy trying to control her earth element, which happened to be Rose's specialty like fire was Roxanne's, and not turning the empty classroom into a jungle, didn't notice.

That day as Sylvia and Roxanne both worked quietly on their homework, both had the same thoughts going through their mind.

'I can't believe I'm falling for my best friend's brother!'

The others who were with them, didn't seem to notice, and soon they forgot about it too, mainly glad that they were friends again. Especially Rose, who was sitting with Remus, her head on his shoulder. But she didn't know she was in for a very nasty shock. One that maybe involved her dead mother.




Passe une bonne journee, restez calme et aimez les Marauders et les Marauderettes! <3
Au revoir!

~Astoria [Afzia]


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