15. Burnt

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'Lily an-,' she began singing, but Lily clamped her hand over her mouth.

'all right!' Rose exclaimed, though her voice was muffled, pushing her hand away.

Rose giggled as Lily turned a furious shade of red.

'if you tell anyo-OH MY GOD!' she began, but suddenly yelled the last part out and jumped to her feet.

'what?' asked Rose, also getting up. The others were looking at her scared, because Lily looked as if she was about to faint.


'What's wrong, lily?' asked Rose, concerned.

'the potion,' she stammered and everyone's heart sank. They had brewing the potion for some time now, after they had completed all the difficult steps of becoming an Animagus, a wizard or witch who could turn into an animal at will. The potion was extremely complex and the Marauders and Marauderettes had put in every bit of effort to make sure it was perfectly right, for Animagi transformations could go horribly wrong. They were supposed to check it every 2 hours, and add 2 drops of crocodile bile or else it would burn. They had been doing it in turns, using James' invisibility cloak, which he had inherited from his father. But it had been someone's turn one whole hour ago and no one had gone.

They all rushed to the girls' bathroom, the one inhabited by Moaning Myrtle, the ghost. They bumped into Peter Pettigrew, a small chubby boy who was in first year, Gryffindor.

'what the-?' he began, but didn't get a reply, as the others rushed past him. Roxanne, who was in front, opened the bathroom stall in which the cauldron was kept and to everyone's dismay, saw that the potion was black when it should've been a pale green and was giving off a burnt odor.

'no,' wailed Sylvia.

'Who's turn was it?!' asked James, his face confronted with anger.

They all looked at each other. None of them remembered.

'it was your turn last and we were going alphabetically,' whispered Rose.

'no, we weren't going alphabetically!' cried James,' we were going age wise, so it is Lily's turn'

'it isn't 't Lily's turn last, I remember it's Sirius'!' said Roxanne indignantly.

'HEY! IT' S NOT MY TURN' yelled Sirius, 'IT'S ROSE'S!'

'MINE?' asked Rose shocked.

'yes yours!' said Robert accusingly.

'no, it was Lily's turn,' said James glaring at her.

'it wasn't!' she shot back.

'what the hell guys, we were going alphabetically, not age wise!' said Rose, annoyed.

'Guys stop fighting already; it doesn't matter now. I told you this wasn't a good idea,' Remus said.

'Stay out of this!' snapped Roxanne, her fists balled.

Remus was stimulated by her response.

'ME?! Stay out?! Excuse me, if I remember you guys were doing this for me!' he exclaimed.

'wait wasn't it Sylvia's turn?' asked Sirius.

'yeah, I remember Roxanne telling her that she has to go next,' said James, glaring at her.

'I never said anything of the sort!' huffed Roxanne.

'ugh, we were this close!' said Lily, vexed,' the full moon's just tomorrow!'

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