13. Regulas Saves the Day

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The next day, the Marauderettes woke up excited to play their prank on the boys. According to the plan, they woke up extra early. Roxanne was in charge of keeping the supplies, Lily was on guard duty, Sylvia on action and Rose on spells.

'all right,' whispered Lily,' let's go!'

Roxanne was still yawning and with great effort, she picked up the make-up bag and followed the others out of their dormitory.

They cautiously went outside, and tip toed towards the boys' dormitory. Rose whispered,

'Alohomora,' and the door sprang open. She, Roxanne and Sylvia crept inside, while Lily kept a watchful duty outside.

'eww,' said Sylvia, wrinkling her nose,' it smells like old socks in here.'

'that's cuz there are old socks in here,' said Rose pointing to a pile of dirty socks at the corner of the room.

'but Syl, you have two brothers,' said Roxanne as they walked over to Sirius' bed, which was first and opening her bag,' shouldn't you be used to it?'

'I never go in their rooms unless it's a matter of life and death,' she said shrugging, looking at Sirius who was snoring softly,' gimme the eyeshadow!'

Half an hour later, the four girls (Lily had joined them because she got bored outside) looked at the four sleeping boys, pleased with themselves. Their hair was pink and their make up as dark as possible. Also, Rose had put a spell on the hair dye and make-up, making it impossible to get it off before 12 hours.

'I can't wait to see their faces!' said Lily gleefully and three voices shushed her at the same time.

'sorry,' she grinned.

The Marauderettes made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast, waiting for the Marauders to come too.

Rose was half – way through her second helping of porridge when 4 very angry boys, all with hot pink hair walked in with blood red lipstick on their lips, crimson cheeks and purple eyes.

The Hall was full of light snickering, as the Marauders were usually the ones who pranked people, and now they were the victims.

Roxanne snorted into her yoghurt at the sight of Remus who was now looking even redder because of his anger.

'take them off,' growled James as they reached the girls, who were now howling with laughter.

Robert was glaring at them, and so were Sirius and Remus.

'no can do!' said Sylvia cheekily,' you have to wait for 12 hours!'

'12 hours!' exploded Remus,' are we supposed to go to class like this?!'

'yes,' said Rose innocently and without another word, the girls got up and ran out of the Hall because Sirius was about to get up.

'that was epic!' cried Roxanne as they were well away from the Hall.

'I know right!' giggled Rose.

'What was epic?' said a drawling voice from behind them. They turned and saw Lucius Malfoy, a 4th year bully with Severus Snape, who was in in 2nd year, but in Slytherin.

Rose's eyes narrowed, while Lily and Roxanne folded their arms determinately, but Sylvia looked a little scared.

'None of your business!' said Lily.

'none of our business, eh?' said Malfoy, edging closer.

Roxanne took a step backwards and Rose and Lily took out their wands.

'if it isn't the blood- traitor Black,' sneered Severus, who just recognized Sylvia.

Severus had his wand out and they both were edging closer to the girls, with a menacing look on their faces.

'What's going on?' said a cool voice from behind them.

The girls jumped and saw Remus, Robert, James and Sirius standing with their wands out, hair and face shockingly back to normal.

'what's the matter?' asked Sirius, with one hand in his pocket and a careless smile on his face.

Severus looked hesitantly at the wands in their hands in their hands and without another word he left. Lucius, however stayed and gave harsh laugh.

He raised his wand, about to curse, aimed at Remus, who was nearest, back on the girls now, Rose opened her mouth to scream but just in time a student walked around the corner into the empty corridor they were in. It was Regulas. His eyes widened at the scene and he managed to stutter,

'Pro-ff-esso-r Flitwick wants to speak to you Luc- Lucius,'

Lucius frowned, but he went away quietly.

The girls realized they were shaking and Sylvia burst into tears. Sirius gave Regulas a grateful smile, for he knew that he had lied; Professor Flitwick took a day off on Tuesdays.

James went over to Sylvia and hugged her.

'thanks,' muttered Roxanne. The girls were now feeling guilty for pulling the prank on them. Speaking of pranks...

'how did you get the stuff off?' asked Lily as they walked down together to their first class.

'you shouldn't have written the counter-curse under the curse in your prank planning diary,' grinned Robert, glancing at Rose. She didn't notice this, though Remus did and he frowned.

'you read our diary!' said Sylvia, outraged, who had stopped crying.

'you left it on the table in the common room,' said James shrugging.

'yea it's not like we went looking for it,' said Remus, winking at the boys.

'hmm whatever,' grumbled Roxanne.

'aww, don't wovvy,' said Sirius in a mock baby voice,' it was good pwank though,'

She laughed and smiled at him. Suddenly, the sweet moment turned very awkward for both of them as the others, with the exception of Remus, were grinning at them both. Thankfully, Professor McGonagall walked in the classroom, and with her was none other than Hope Lupin.

'Good morning, class' said Professor McGonagall briskly,' meet your substitution teacher for the next week.'

Hope smiled at Remus, Rose and Roxanne's shocked faces.

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