(A/N): Ask Questions

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Hallo! So today was my first assessment. They make up 30% of my final result. Today's paper was really good...

So I got an idea... And....

How about you guys send me questions? Like ask any characters any question you want. You can even ask me anything!

I'll then publish it as a apart!

Feel free to comment or inbox me! And you can ask as much as questions you want to.

They can be directed to me, or any of the characters in my book. For the characters, I'll reply from their POV [Point of View]

Im kinda looking forward to this....

Also, you all more than welcome to send me ideas for Marauders and Marauderettes Headcannons

Until next time,

Passe une bonne journee, restez calme et aimez les Marauders et les Marauderettes! <3

Au revoir!

~Astoria [Afzia]


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