(A/N): What Actually Happened!!

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So the reason for my disappearance is perfectly understandable...

My Windows crashed

So my laptop was sent for repair

And when i finally got it back, i found out that all my data was, thankfully, saved.

Except for one file

And that file just happened to be the one in which i have planned each chapter

So i had to do that all again

And it wasn't easy

But it's so unfair!

Out of hundreds of files, only that file had to be deleted!!

But moving, on, I am back! : )

And will hopefully update regularly : D

Starting from today!

Until next time,

Passe une bonne journee, restez calme et aimez les Marauders et les Marauderettes! <3

Au revoir!

~Astoria [Afzia]


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