14. Slimy Business

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'I can't believe Mama didn't tell us!' said Remus resentfully staring into the depths of the fire.

The Marauders and Marauderettes were sitting in the common room next to the fire, exhausted after their first week. It had been a fun one, but nothing compared to the surprise they had just received.

Professor McGonagall had told them that Hope would be taking over as the substitute teacher for the next week as the French Professor as Mam'zelle Anita had fallen down the stairs and broken half the bones in her body, so she was in the hospital wing.

'I know right,' sighed Rose. Roxanne groaned softly. The others were biting back the urge to ask the three siblings what was so wrong, but as they were in a particularly bad mood, they tried to control it. But then, Sirius couldn't hold it any longer, and ignoring the fact that the siblings were known for their vile temper, blurted out,

'what's so wrong with your mother teaching you?'

Rose merely looked grumpy and threw her book at him which he dodged, Remus rolled his eyes in annoyance and Roxanne pouted. None of them answered.

A few minutes passed and once again, the suspenseful silence was established again. Finally Rose spoke quietly,

'it's just that...it's ju- like...I mean- th-... the thing is... the- actually,' she began.

'the thing she's trying to say that it's going to be really awkward and Hogwarts was one place we could fool about without Mama reprimanding us,' said Remus, still looking at the fire.

'oh,' said Sirius softly and no one touched the subject again. The awkward silence continued again. Suddenly Rose burst out laughing, making everyone jump.

'God, James, why do you look so scared?' she said, giggling and was joined by Roxanne.

James huffed childishly as the others joined the laughter and eventually he did too.

The next morning was finally the weekend. The Marauders were sitting under their favorite tree on the hill besides the lake, discussing how to get the girls back for their prank.

'well I think we should invade their dormitory,' said Sirius.

'yea, after all they did invade ours,' agreed James.

'and may I ask what will we do when we get in?' asked Robert wearily.

'oh,' said Sirius, defeated. Robert and Remus chuckled and high- fived each other.

'well, we could umm, give them a makeover like they did, so they look like umm,' said Remus, thinking.


'they would hate that!' said Robert happily.

And so they began planning every single detail. But they forgot one tiny one.

'come on,' said Sirius quietly, beckoning them towards the staircase. They thought the common room was empty and the girls were sleeping in late because it was the weekend. They didn't know, however, that the Marauderettes were hiding behind the couch, from where they had an excellent view of the girls' dormitory entrance. The Marauderettes had very sneakily been following the boys for some time now, because they were sure the boys would want to strike back. Roxanne had overheard their conversation and when she told the girls about it, they laughed themselves helpless. Now, they were peeking cautiously from behind the couch, and Rose was recording the whole thing on her phone.

The boys simultaneously put a foot on the first step and carefully ran up the stairs. They were almost on the last step, when the staircase suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a smooth slope. The staircase had turned into a slide. Unable to control their laughter any longer, the girls came out from their hiding place. The boys were caught completely unawares and for a second they tried to keep climbing but eventually lost their balance. They girls were doubled with laughter as the boys came sliding down, Sirius and Remus head first, Robert on his stomach and James weirdly tangled in his robes. They all fell into a pile at the bottom, struggling to untangle themselves from their robes.

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