3. A Not Very Good First Day

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The next day Rose was the first one to wake up. She couldn't wait for her classes but mostly she couldn't stop thinking about her secret. She really wanted to tell Remus and Roxanne and now that she and Lily were best friends, she wanted her to know too. But she was afraid of how they would react. She was scared that Lily wouldn't want to be her friend anymore and that Remus and Roxanne would never forgive her for keeping it from them all these years. She buried her head in her arms.

'How did the sorting hat think I was brave?' she thought miserably,' I am such a coward!'

She sighed and got ready for her first day. After a while all the girls had woken up and Rose, Sylvia, Roxanne and Lily went together to the Great Hall for breakfast. Remus and his friends, as Rose liked to call them, were already there.

'Good morning!' said Remus to his sisters.

'good morning...' said Roxanne sleepily and sat down beside him.

'why do we have to get up so early?' groaned Sylvia.

Rose however looked very fresh and was already reading Hogwarts, A History.

Remus grinned at her and said,' Nerd, first eat breakfast,'

Rose scowled and tried to kick him under the table but Remus dodged and she hit Sirius by accident.

Sirius yelped like a dog and James, Robert and Remus laughed. Now Sirius didn't know who kicked him as he was very busy trying out the combination of porridge with ketchup. He thought Sylvia had kicked him and so he retaliated by throwing a tart at her.

She too dodged and it hit Robert full on the face. He then meant to dump his orange juice on Sirius but as he was wiping the cream off his eyes, he accidently dropped it on James. And so the food fight began and Lily, Roxanne, Rose and Sylvia quietly, shaking their heads, left the table and ran out of the hall before the boys noticed they were gone. They arrived in class (Transfiguration) early and laughed till their sides hurt. The class started after a few minutes and the boys were still not there. 5 minutes late the boys entered the class, drenched in orange juice, porridge, milk and stained with ketchup, jam and what looked like peanut butter.

Professor McGonagall looked at them disapprovingly and said,

'I would appreciate it if you cleaned yourselves up before coming to my class,'

'yes, professor,' said the boys simultaneously putting on an innocent impression.

Rose scoffed and she heard Sylvia and Roxanne snort, which they hastily turned into a cough. After Transfiguration they had History of Magic. Rose was very happy. Professor McGonagall had been very pleased with all of her answers and had even smiled at her, something very rare, as she was told. As the girls were walking down to their class, they were joined by the boys.

'How was your food fight?' asked Rose teasingly.

'Great actually,' said James,' Why don't you join us next time, Ms. Know-it-all?'

Sirius sniggered though Robert didn't and Remus frowned.

Rose looked hurt and she walked up ahead without a word. After giving Sirius and James a glare, the girls joined her.

Sirius and James looked rather guilty; Robert looked awkward and Remus didn't talk to any of them all the way.

In History of Magic their first lesson was Magical Races: Labels Against Equality. To their surprise they saw Professor McGonagall instead of Professor Binns.

'Settle down. I will be your substitute for this class as Professor Binns has decided to go on a vacation to Hawaii at this time of the year; no one knows why. He will be back in time for your next class, however. Take out your books,' she said.

'so although it has been arguably agreed on the fact that label do disturb the feeling of equality between wizards and witches, knowing about them is also important,' Professor McGonagall said,' First type is the Pure-Blooded. These are the wizards which have come from a generation of pure wizards. Many believe themselves superior to others because of this.'

Sirius and Sylvia exchanged a weary glance at this and so did James.

Rose had to stifle a laugh, because Professor McGonagall seemed genuinely bored and wasn't even bothering to tell off Sirius and James for playing with a rubber duck and frog puppet.

'next is the Half-blooded,' she droned on, sounding a lot like Professor Binns,' these are the wizards which have one magical parent and one non-magical or muggle born parent.'

Roxanne, Remus, and Robert exchanged quick smiles.

The class was extremely boring and half the class was already asleep. Roxanne and Sylvia were playing Thumb Wars under their desk. Rose and Robert were the only ones taking notes.

'second last we have Muggle- Borns,' said Professor McGonagall,' these are born to non- magical parents. They are often underestimated on their skills, a grave mistake,'

Lily grinned.

'And now thankfully the last one are the Crystal- Blooded,' said Professor McGonagall, clearly in a hurry to finish the lesson,' These are probably the most unique and rare. In fact, there have been only 5 of them since the last millennium. Merlin was one of them. They are not named on their parentage but on their powers. They can create magic from within themselves; in short they can issue magic from their bare hands. They do not need a wand to work their magic. They have four main elements of power; Water, Earth, Fire and Wind. They are, however, dependent on their Article which may be anything, usually a wearable ornament. The Article contains their powers and without it they are helpless,'

'I am bored!' whispered Lily to Rose,' Oooooh nice ring.' Lily was looking at a ring on Rose's hand. It had a pink diamond on it with a weird, curvy shape, almost as if it had been cut in half, but it still looked very pretty.

'thanks,' Rose whispered back,' It was our mothers'. Roxanne has the other half.'

'Class dismissed,' said Professor McGonagall as the bell rang and she almost ran out of the room to her beloved Transfiguration.

They had a break now, and Rose wanted some time alone so she went to an empty classroom.

The boys made their way to the Great Hall.

'Listen, bro, I am sorry for what I said about Rose,' said James to Remus sincerely as they were walking.

'yea...sorry,' said Sirius as they passed a classroom,' I mean she is a little annoying.'

'yea, I know she is a Know- it – All and gets in the way a lot, but she is still my sister and I really do love her,' said Remus.

'Ok, we'll apologize to her, how's that?' asked James.

Remus knew how hard that would be for him, as it would be a blow to his pride, so he smiled and said,


What the boys didn't know was that the classroom they passed was the one in which Rose was and she only heard a part of their conversation

She heard Sirius say 'She is a little annoying' and Remus say 'yea, I know she is a Know- it – All and gets in the way a lot'.

Rose was hurt because she never thought that Remus could say that about her. She didn't hear the whole thing and thought Remus was being mean. 

'He had never said anything like that before,' she thought angrily,' it was all Robert, James and Sirius' fault! They made him think like that!'

But she couldn't help shedding a few tears until she couldn't help it and burst into tears. She was crying because she was being teased by her brothers' best friends. She was crying because of what her brother said about her. But mostly she cried because she was a Crystal- Blood and was forced to keep it a secret from everyone.

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