Q1. Rose: What is your hobby?

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Well, it's definitely reading. It is very enthralling, honestly and I could spend hours doing it.I do, actually. I mostly read mystery genre, but I never do say no to a romance novel either. Currently, I am reading The Little Women by Louisa Alcott. It is a muggle book, but it is beautiful. My mother sometimes says that reading is having a negative effect on me. She is kind of right, I think. When I read, I get very easily lost in the book and then it takes too long for me to come to reality. But I do think tha-


Ahem. Sorry, that was my brother. Idiot.

Well anyways, I have to get going. Second year is definitely more interesting than first year, but it is a little harder too. I have this extremely long essay I have to write for History of Magic, but I don't mind. 3rd century goblins were quite interesting, though no one except Robert agrees with me, but then, he agrees to everything I say. It's sort of adorable. Speaking of which, I really have to go. I promised him I would I help him with his essay and then I have to go meet Roxanne in the Room of Requirement for training and then...

Whew, I am quite busy, so I shall get going. It was a pleasure knowing you!


R. Zeller

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