A wretched sob left her lips, "I just want to be . . . appreciated!"

"Mama," Elias groaned, "you're always going to be my number one in everything I do. Even if I did find my biological family, you are still my mother. And I love you so much."

He looked around in his sister's and Aldo's direction, "You guys too. This is my family, and believe it or not, the only family I found was Francesca, the rest are dead."

"What about me?" Lucy asked, looking up at Elias with large, watery eyes.

"And you're always going to be my favorite niece, well, until I have more from Tiffany and Grace. But you're still going to be my favorite then too, it's just you'll share the title."

"Promise?" Lucy asked, embracing Elias in a hug.

"Cross my heart, hope to die," Elias answered, leaning down to Lucy's height when she signaled him to.

She cupped her hands around his ear, whispering, "Maybe you should make Genevieve part of our family too."

Before Elias could react a cleared throat filled the room.

"What about me Elias, am I part of your family too?" Jennifer asked, twirling her dyed blonde hair around her finger.

Elias looked down to Lucy before gazing at Jennifer again, "You know Jessica, I think we should break up."

"Jennifer," Jennifer corrected again, "and what do you mean we need to break up?! We've been dating for a solid two hours. What about the engagement ring, I want to get married and a home! You're rich—"

A ringtone echoed around the silent apartment.

Elias pulled the phone from his back pocket, checking the caller ID, before answering:

"Hey, Smith—"

"Elias, this is about Genevieve."

Rolling his eyes, Elias groaned, "I told you Smith, I don't car—"

"Elias, Genevieve committed suicide."

- - - - - -

Elias slammed the car door closed as he stepped onto the riverbank. Police cars and ambulances huddled around the tape-covered crime scene.

Before a police officer could stop him, Elias pulled his plaque out of his denim's back pocket. "Agent Maverick."

The police officer nodded before letting Elias walkthrough. Hurriedly, Elias made his way under the yellow tape, running around police cars and ambulances before reaching a frantic looking Smith.

"What happened?" Elias asked quickly, watching as various construction machines lifted a wrecked car out of the water of the deep river.

"A woman called 991, saying she saw a woman — with the exact appearance of Genevieve, drive her car in high velocity towards the river. The emergency-workers were able to pull a body from the river and identified it as Genevieve's body," Smith explained, eyes wide in continuous shock.

"But-But she's alright right? Smith tell me she's alright!" Elias begged, his voice cracking in desperation as tears ran down his face.

Smith sighed, "Pearl did a few tests on Genevieve — she died in the instant her body, hit the water. Apparently in contact with the water and depth Genevieve's body crashed against the front window and fell into the rocky bottom. Even if we tried, we can't identify the body by appearance and DNA tests are rejecting the process."

"So, there's a possibility Genevieve is alive right?"

"Elias, her belongings were all in the car, birth certificate, passports, alcohol, empty pill bottles, empty cigarette packs. Even her phone was in there. Elias, she's dead."

Elias' lips quivered, "But she-she isn't dead!"

"Elias," Smith grabbed a small folded paper out of his pocket and handed it to Elias. "They found this, it has your name on it."

Without wasting time, Elias ripped the folded note open, reading over it hastily.

Dear Elias Maverick,

Oh, how I'm never tired of repeating your name. It's like a blessing from god. It brings me pain to write this because I know if you're reading it, it's because I'm dead. It's so funny how the world all of a sudden changes course, I would have never imagined I'd be doing this. Killing myself — it feels so foreign and sad.  I remember the day we met, I remember you were watching me in my interrogation. Wow, who would've know I'd fall in love with you so quickly.

Since that day we have spent day and night together, trying hard to solve the case together. Joking, having fun . . . I'm surprised how much I miss those days.

I've noticed a few things since you left me, I treat the people I love like jewelry — I never touch it in case it breaks. But I promise you that I never forgot about you, I still know your birthday and your mom's, Millie's favorite song — Piano Man by Billy Joel — I love that song too. I'm listening while writing.

I've also missed your morning and nightly calls. How you wished me good morning and good night. How you remembered me even when you were so tired.

I also realized how much of a coward I am. Normally, I'm the one calling people cowards, but I guess I am one too. I run away when things are at their best. I try to not care when I really do. I'm sorry.

I'm so so sorry Elias.

I guess, heartbroken and scared, I broke your heart. My ignorance consumes me, like always.

I'm sorry, I'm so blind that I didn't realize how much I love you. I'm really sorry, my love. I guess I just can't believe someone is willingly in love with me too.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to leave you and everything we have behind, because like I said before. I'm a coward.

But I promise you. Someone loves you out there, other than me. A girl who deserves your heart more than I do. A girl who will be patient and caring, a girl who will be loved by your family too.

And I'm sorry I'm not that girl.

I love you.




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