"What the fuck Camilla!"Benjamin cried as I pulled the door open.On realizing that I was on the phone ,he muttered some  much more offensive words I dare not repeat under his breath and shot me a glare before dumping his laptop bag on a couch and walking straight to the kitchen to get himself an elephant sized meal to half fill his stomach.

"Sorry, that was my brother."I apologized to Jay removing him from hold.

I paid no heed to Benji as he pulled out the chair across mine and sat down on it trying to figure out who I was talking to.By making the least noise possible,he was trying to make sense out of the few snatches he might have heard from the conversation.

"Who is that new boyfriend of yours?" He suddenly asked snatching my phone from my fingers and springing onto his feet.

"A friend.Now gimme my phone!" I demanded throwing myself at him.He lost balance and toppled down.I  put him in a hold and pried my phone from his fingers. I quickly gathered my books and rushed to my room not forgetting to lock it behind me.
That Benji boy seriously needs to learn the seven lettered word

I apologized to Jay for the commotion  my immature big brother,Benji caused again. Benji seemed to intrigue Jay so I told him a little bit more about him.

"I think he's cool,I mean he's always there for you." He sighed.

"Pfft,I can't stand him most of the time. " I scoffed still burnt out he'd tried night light robbery by swiping my phone.

When the call eventually ended, I realized we'd spoken for hours.I was so surprised since I had barely ever spoken to anyone for that long except for by best friends.Jake Greene suddenly was thrown in new light after only a few hours of communication.He wasn't as dirty as I originally thought that he was.


We were reviewing some assessment questions Mr Manhart had printed out.

Jay was sitting besides me,he  claimed he had issues with the topic.As I explained,he kept on asking me to repeat my previously made explanation.It really pissed me of especially since he was chewing my pencil and staring at me throughout my discussion with him.Hell knew why he was at it.
I took a break from tutoring him for  a second when I realized that his pencil chewing had become a little more intense.I glared at him to stop.My annoyed glare gradually turned into a soft lingering gaze.It eventually turned  into a stare.

"Quit drooling.A picture would last longer." He stated .It took a moment for what he said to internally dawn on me.

"Pft... look at you my foot." I defended.

"Even your feet are dying under your shoes to catch a glimpse of me." he teased.I rolled my eyes and pulled my pencil from out of his mouth.

"You can chew on anything but not my pencil." I chastened stuffing it back in my pencil case.

"Aww,"he gave an unbearably cute pout and made a grab for my pencil case.I pulled it further away from him making him grin gleefully.

Before I could realize his hands were digging deep into my ribs making me erupt into gales of laughter.I immediately let go of the  pencil case and he stopped tickling me.A satisfactory smile on his face.
My abrupt laughter sent the whole class looking our way and I buried my head in my textbook embarrassed.Jay waved it off and popped the pencil back in his mouth.

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