Chapter 27

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Clay tilts his head to look between the girl and the tall creature as his eyebrows crash in confusion.

"How did you even..." - He starts, but stops when Dream sees, that Y/N starts shrugging. 

The new found buddy, as if on cue, starts walking further into the house, earning the attention of all four people. Enderman stops in the kitchen, pushing his fingers in a bowl, before grasping an apple. He really likes apples.

"Endermen eat..apples..?" - Sapnap cocks his head to the side, watching in either amazement or terror as the tall being devours small red apple in less than a few seconds.

The girl turns to look at the trio, that still watched over the new friend, alarmed.

"Can he um.. stay..?" - Y/N asks cautiously, looking up with expectant eyes. The group stared right back, in disbelief.

"Are you crazy? No!" - George and Sapnap shouted in unison, exchanging looks with Dream, mouthing him something.

Y/N turns to look at Clay, expecting him to weigh out the justice here. She really wanted to keep her new buddy close to her, but the guys seemed to disagree. 

"⋔⊬ ⋏⏃⋔⟒ ⟟⌇ ⋉⏃⋏⟒.." - The Enderman states, looking warmly at the four. Sapnap, George and Y/N look at each other, before Dream clears his throat.

"He said his name's Zane." -  The masked man leans against a counter, crossing his arms over his chest, intensely eyeing the enderman. 

"And I wanted to name him Tyler.." - Y/N huffs out, looking down while the rest of the group starts cackling lightly.


After a little discussion, the group came to a conclusion. Zane won't stay at the house, instead, he's welcome to stay in a little cave just behind Dream Team's base. It was proven, that the enderman is friendly, but let's just think about a scenario: 

Someone goes downstairs at night, to get a glass of water. Silently thumping down the stairs and walking behind a counter. Now, out of nowhere, peeking behind a wall, there stands a tall creature with glowing eyes.

Yeah that would literally cause a heart attack, that's why everyone agreed to let Zane live in that little cave, just so they could grow familiar with him. 


Time Skip, Third Person's POV

Dream's Bedroom

"No but really how did you find him?" - Dream chuckles, dragging his fingertips across Y/N's bare shoulders (no dirty thoughts, I am watching you), gently tracing out circles. The girl just sighs, before shuffling around, meeting Clay's green orbs already staring at hers.

"I was lost and it started raining.. basically I got into a cave, waiting for myself to get warmer and then he just appeared." - She drawled, breaking the eye contact, by looking down. Y/N was scared for Dream to ask a question like 'what were you doing outside?'

"Why were you outside? You could've at least warned any of us, you know.." - Clay sighs, closing his eyes. It was a long day, and to top it all off, Y/N went 'missing'. But now she was here. That's all that matters.

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