Chapter 12

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I woke up a bit later after the incident. When I have finally woken up, I was met with warmness. Not the same kind you get from a blanket, but the one you get from a human body.

He never left me, instead, he waited until I finally opened my eyes.

As soon as I start to squirm around, I fluttered my eyes open. There, he was, looking back at me.  Dream was so different without a mask on, but I still couldn't read his expressions. His slightly parted, soft lips formed into a smile. Not a fake one, but a genuine one. 

His hands were still around me, put like a cage, protecting me from the world. We weren't talking, but the silence wasn't awkward. It was pleasant, comfortable.

As I snuggle my back further into his chest, and his grip on me tightens. I was feeling comfortable in his arms, and although I didn't want to admit, but I was falling for my enemy.

Talking about that, he wasn't my enemy now. He was my friend. But I wanted to be more than friends.

Our comfortable moment was broken when Sapnap and George barged in through the spruce door. They stopped like deers on a road and stared at us.

George was literally smirking, narrowing his eyes. Sapnap was winking at Dream, smiling evilishly. 

"Well since you two are busy, we are going to leave you alone" - Sapnap finally said, breaking the silence. He nudged George in the forearm, before both walked out, closing the door quickly.

Dream hasn't said anything. I thought he was mad at me, but just then he started moving. He moved his legs, so they were wrapped around mine, and his hand started moving my hair. His long fingers were gently running through my hair, quietly braiding my hair. Dream moved so gently, even I couldn't braid my hair this softly.

He started humming, as he continued to braid my hair. There were a few moments when his fingers would get stuck in my hair from not separating my hair, making me giggle at him quietly. 

Not having something else to do, I looked at his legs in front of me. He was wearing shorts that were to his mid thighs. His massive legs were literally at least three times larger than mine. The interesting thing is, his legs were toned, fit. I raised my hand to his leg, making little circles on his knee.

"I'm ticklish" - He quietly admitted, as he giggled a bit, as I still traced circles.

"Oh are you now."- I responded giggling, dragging in my second hand, doing the same. He got his hands out of my hair and got a hold of my hands. As I stopped, I realized how close we are.

My back was literally in his chest and I could feel his breath on my shoulders. Just then he started tickling my sides. Of course, me being ticklish started squirming around, laughing.

"NoOoOoO STOP!" - I yelled in between laughs, trying to push his hands away. He, in response, got both of my hands in his one hand and still attacked my sides with the other.

"I'll do anything! Stoooooop!" - I said, trying to get out of his grip. His grip though, was steel strong. If he can hold both of my hands in his one hand, I wonder what he will do in b- okay I'm getting distracted.

"Anything you say?"- He said, stopping tickling me, pulling me to lay on him. I nod, calming myself. 

He stays silent for a bit, thinking probably. After half a minute, I finally hear him speak again.

"Train with me." - He says shortly.

I get a bit confused, as to why would he want me to train with him. Dream was literally one of the best swordsmen in here, and has so much more experience than me. I turn to look at Clay, giving him a confused glance.

"Why though? You are literally better than me in combat."-I said, still looking at him. Dream's eyes find mine as he again shoots me a smile.

"Sapnap and George don't want to train with me, because I always win. Plus you are better with a bow" - He scratched his neck, admitting. 

I giggle and nod, now looking forward. It's a good way to bond and maybe open up to each other. Even if I have to lose every time.

"Use your mouth, kitten." -He says lowly, making me widen his eyes. Dream had such an effect to me, and he knew it. How he makes butterflies spread in my stomach, just from saying one fucking sentence. Although if he didn't mean it, I was still as red as a beetroot. 

"I-uh- um.. y-ye-yeah...I will tr-ain with y-ou" - I started stuttering like crazy, mentally facepalming myself. Why in hell was I stuttering? Okay, I admit the way he said it was hot.


Sapnap's POV

Me and George were going in my room to do whatever and that's when we heard

"Use your mouth, kitten". Both of us were literally standing still, not knowing if we should run to my room, open the door and apologize for eavesdropping or something. I don't know what they were doing, maybe we even got the wrong impression, but damn did that sound wrong.

"Is she giving him a blowjob?" - George asked quietly and cluelessly and that's where I literally had to punch my hand to my mouth to not let out a laugh.

I took my friend by the shoulder and hurriedly walked down to my room. As soon as I closed the door I started laughing.

"GEORGE! You can't sabotage me like this, I almost exposed we were behind his door!" - I said, still laughing a bit at what he said moments ago.

"What, I was just saying" - He shrugged innocently, while looking to his side. He soon plopped down in my bed, taking most of the space to himself.

I shoved his legs a bit and sat down too. Now the girl doesn't leave my mind. Dream has mentioned that she was like me, but I doubt it. I mean some are more gifted than others. Some are just immune and some can actually control it. Me, myself, I can control it a bit. I can bent it to my advantage, but not much. Only a few can actually control it freely, but I don't think she is it.

People who control fire fully, change their eye color as they do it. As true phoenixes, their eyes turn amber orange. Fire color.

I turn to George, asking.

"Do you think she is a Phoenix? I mean, I doubt it, but it could be." 

George turns his head to my direction, meeting my eyes.

"I mean.. you said it's very rare and almost impossible to be a true Phoenix. Chances are low but it would be cool." - He shrugged again, now changing the subject.

She looks so determined, but yet so innocent. She had a chance. Well, with fire and the man behind a mask. 

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