Chapter 26

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"..What are you talking about, Big D? She's not here.." - Tommy nervously laughs, looking up at Dream, who's smiley mask is already engraving a warning in the teen's head. The worst that could happen here would be either Clay exploding Tommy's things, finding the girl hiding in a chest, or even worse... Ghostbur revealing where she is.

Don't get me wrong, Ghostbur isn't doing this because he doesn't like Y/N, but lets just say.. The ghost is a free spirit who usually forgets about secrets being told to keep, so him accidentally muttering that the girl is here wouldn't be very surprising.

"Can I go in then?" - Dream cocks his head to the side a bit, looking in between Tommy and the house behind him.


Same time, the House.

Third Person's POV

"Ghostbur do you have any Invisibility Potions? I think that he wants to come up here.." - Y/N nervously opens the chest, to look at the gray skinned guy, his face expression turning into a confused frown.

"Why do you need them? Dream is friend!" - Ghostbur exclaims a bit too loud for comfort, as the girl widens her eyes a bit, shushing her buddy.

"Ghostbur please speak quieter! I know he is our friend but he doesn't know I am here, and if he does find out, I don't know if I'll be able to come back here. Please..?" - She basically pleads, big eyes staring into glossy black eyes of the ghost, as he starts shuffling around.

The boy tosses her an invisibility potion as Y/N quietly thanks him, drinking the liquid in an instant. 

The space Y/N is in is very tiny, but after a second, the girl notices her legs starting to fade. Arms following, become translucent and soon, the body was invisible. 

Just then, the door swings open, creating a lot noise dramatically, as heavy footsteps emerge into the small house.

"Hey friends!" - Ghostbur waves at both Dream and Tommy with a broad smile. The younger boy seems still as nervous as before, as he awkwardly gulps before turning to the masked man.

"You see? There's nothing there!!" - Tommy states in his expectantly loud voice, looking around, before breathing out all the air he was holding in. He didn't want his only friend (besides Ghostbur) being clawed out of here. Tubbo betrayed him, so his sister is the only he has right now.

Clay suspiciously eyes the two before turning around, walking out.

Y/N sighs, before slowly creaking up the chest. The girl felt so relieved and she still didn't know why. Why was she hiding from her lover? It wasn't that big of a deal was it? It's just her visiting her friends.

Quick rustling was heard somewhere in front of the house. No one was shuffling with the door, the sound was more like someone... digging? It for sure was a shovel.

The girl cautiously peeks through a little window, seeing Dream digging a hole, before falling beneath the house. 

Just then Ghostbur barges in quickly yet very quietly as he takes Y/N by her wrists, dragging her out of the house.

"You have to go Y/N, it's not safe!" - He whisper- yells, as he shoves the girl's bag in her hands, taking out a few ender pearls from his pockets, giving them to her.

"But I-" - Y/N started, but got interrupted by the ghost.

"Go!" - He shooed her away. The girl hugged him for the last time before throwing a small object, waiting to get teleported. Before her body was gone, she turned to Ghostbur before whispering 'Find Technoblade' as her small figure was turned into purple particles. 

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