Chapter 25

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(Listen to the music, it helps to get into the chapter!)

Third Person's POV

White, fluffy clouds glide across the pale blue sky; the fading, subdued moon sits redundantly behind them. The sun has awakened and is promptly emerging through the hazy sky. A graceful robin flies swiftly across the open pasture, flowing beside the gentle breeze, back to its vigilantly poised nest on the branch of a tree. This wise, ancient oak tree proudly watches over the fields, casting shadows over the fragile flowers that would wilt if exposed to the sweltering sun.

Turning to the east, you could spot a small river, sounds of gently streaming water calming even the most cautious human beings.

There, on an old oak's tree stood small fuzzy sparrows, who just started chirping good morning greetings.

A rusty door has opened, as a glum figure stepped onto a balcony. The person yawns, stretching arms, reaching for the skies as the sun lays upon just-woken being.

Scooting a bit closer to the railing, you could make out soft features of a girl. Y/N has just woke up. Soft soothing wind gently sweeping the girl's hair, brushing through the silky locks, as she looks around, taking in the view, listening. The more quiet you get, the more you can hear. Only in the mornings you could feel yourself become calmer, considering the afternoons and evening are beyond hectic.

Y/N's POV.

I yawn once more, before dragging my feet back to the room. Moving slowly, I open the door, now emerging in the dark house's hallways. The base was awfully quiet, I was starting to think that they left. Turning on my heels I go to the dinning room, as my eyes quiver seeing some food, that was left for me. Quickly digging in, I start my day.

Minutes later, when I took a bath, I wrap myself in a towel, now moving towards the closet. I remember I have to meet Tommy today, so I don't even bother to take armor.

I gently take out a dress, admiring it: a long pastel green dress, that is looking just right on me. A bit of cleavage, puffed shoulders and the patterns were looking immaculate. The dress sits upon my skin as soft petals, its hue the fields of the greenery of Dream SMP.

 I find a little bag as I shove some food for me, Ghostbur and Tommy, water, ender pearls and of course the trusty flint and steel in and throw the bag on my shoulders.

Putting on a tiny belt that helps you hold your weapons, I take my axe by the handle, tugging it on.

Just when I creak open the front door, I am greeted with a welcoming gaze of a ghost. He stands there, looking down on me, as he takes his hand out of a pocket, showing Blue into my own hands. Quickly taking it and shoving it into my dress pockets, murmuring a quiet 'Thank you'.

We slowly make our way to a boat, that Ghostbur probably rowed in here. Me and the ghost make our way into the little rowboat as the pale boy already starts sailing.

I never knew that the land that Tommy was staying in was this far. We were sailing for a good half an hour, as the front of a wooden platform came to a halt. I throw my bag over my shoulders as Ghostbur helps me get out of the boat.

I take in the view. It wasn't very pretty, but considering that it's only these two that live here, it looks good. 

Turning to my left, I see him. I see Tommy. His shirt was very dirty and torn in some places. Even a heartless monster would feel guilty at the view of the boy: His lanky body got even skinnier, blonde locks were looking messy and grown out and the bright blue eyes has lost the sparkle in them. 

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