Chapter 19

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Weeks after weeks pass by in a blink of an eye. Dream and Y/N are now boyfriend and girlfriend, and the girl's new best friends are George and Sapnap. 

Clay has already won the duel three weeks ago, his arrow stabbing Tommy in the stomach, as he laid there lifeless, the blood coloring water of the river he fell in. Tommy was fine now though. He still didn't trust Y/N, and started to lose hope she'll come back from Dream's filthy hands.

Turns out now, Wilbur isn't the ruler of L'Manburg. It is now called Manburg, as new leader stepped onto the stage, shooing away the blonde and brunette into hiding. Both Wilbur and Tommy now lived in so called 'Pogtopia'. It was basically a big underground system Tommy mined into a ravine.

Wilbur's POV.

Quietly pacing around, I examine my surroundings. Torches, that keep the place lit, were sitting on the walls of the ravine, a few lanterns dangling from chains. Behind me, there were creaky oak stairs, leading up to the surface. I spot Tommy sitting on a chest. The events have caught up to us like waves crashing distant shores of time.

I sit down on a small chair, staring at the kid. He was fiddling with his fingers, his eyes lost the shine he once had. To be honest, he was still the same annoyingly loud kid but Tommy is still as motivated to get back L'Manburg. And so am I.

Suddenly little footsteps were heard, as we both turned to look at the stairs behind me. Little figure came in sight, wearing a suit and a blue tie. 

"Hello guys! How are things going down here?" - Tubbo smiles lightly, looking at both of us once he'd made his way down the stairs.

"To be honest, Tubbo, shitty." - Tommy grumbles, standing up from  the chest he was sitting on, dragging his feet to hug his best friend. Yeah, he'd still deny that he's clingy and blame Toby afterwards, but I knew he needed this. 

"Have you seen Y/N?" - The little figure speaks up, pulling away from the hug. Blonde scoffs, starting murmuring a few curses at the mentioned name.

"I saw her with Dream a few days ago. They were both quite close to here, but I think they already figured out that we're hiding here. Both of them didn't say a word though, although I did make eye contact with them." - I step in, informing Tubbo.

He huffs, looking down. Toby then looks up, smiling slightly at me, before continuing conversation.

" I met her today in the morning. She seems to do fine, and says that she'll visit." 

Now Tommy turns to look at us, before frowning. He saw her leaving as a sign of betrayal. Tommy saw Y/N as a traitor, who was just observing the situation. If she cared, in his opinion, she would've done something already.



" No, no, no. You don't understand we have to take down Schlatt!" - I abruptly said, pointing at L'Manburg's territory in a big map that laid on a table in the middle of the room. To my right there stood Clay, who has just crossed arms, to my left stood Sapnap, shrugging his shoulders, looking down unbothered and to Dream's right there stood George, sighing at my statement.

"Why though? He didn't do anything bad as of now." - The colorblind brit started. That's when Nick agreed, now looking over at both of us.

I look up to meet Dream's eyes, my orbs boring into his as his expression softens. He sighs, taking one of my hands into his own, intertwining our fingers together.

"I actually agree with Y/N. That fucker took down the walls, he wants to expand."- The tall male states, looking over at his two friends. 

"And you know what expanding means right? He'll take mine, our, land and make it his." - He added in, making a fair point. 

"You know how hard it is to fool that old man? But yeah, the fact that he'll expand is a big no." - Sapnap rubs his temples, looking over at the map. George throws in a few comments, giving some strategies for us to think about. 

Dream and I suggest a few more battle plans, before calling it a day. We've all said goodnight to each other before going upstairs. 


"I want to fight with Wilbur and Tommy by my side.." - I quietly start, looking over to Dream, who's just tracing circles on my forearm.

A few seconds later a big sigh escaped his lips.

"I know you want to take him down, but Y/N, maybe it's not a good idea.." - He stops tracing figures on my skin, as the boy takes my hands into his.

"I'll agree with whatever you want to do, but think about consequences."- Clay adds in, looking down to meet my eyes already boring into his. 

I throw him a confused glance, not knowing what he meant by that. What consequences? We were not even on their side as of now. Unless he knows what's coming.

"Please.. Even if I'm considered traitor there, I'd rather help them beat that old man."

Dream smiles lightly, before pecking my cheek softly.

"If that's what you want to do, love. " - The boy chuckles, before hugging my waist, burying his head into the crook of my neck.

"Good night, Clay" - I tug my lips upwards, closing my eyes.

"Good night, Y/N. We'll meet Wilbur tomorrow." - He quietly says, already drifting off to the wonderlands of his consciousness. 

I on the other hand, still stay awake. I was finally going to meet Wilbur.. Tommy. I know they don't think good of me, because I'm literally on the other side, but I hope that by the end of this, I'll be able to be friends with them again.

That's when my little brother comes into mind. Meaningful flashbacks and memories start to flow in, making me think about him.

Tubbo doesn't think of me as a traitor, he's one of the few who actually trusts me, and I love him for that. I know that son of a bitch took my poor brother as his right hand man, but I swear I'll free him. Even if I have to sacrifice one of my lives.

[1040 Words]

Well hello there ;). Hope you're enjoying the story, I already started plotting out the end. Let me tell you, get your tissues ready, I won't disclose if it's a very happy or a very sad ending HAHA i'm so evil.

Anyways! Thank you for reading lovelies <3

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