No Strength To Speak

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Earth: Maya is going to play with your daddy in the bedroom! ... He grabbed the vegetables on the kitchen table ... Mommy still has to pack up what you and your cousins ​​have messed up ...

Happy Maya.

Maya: yes mommy ! ... Daddy, let's go to Maya's bedroom ... I want to show my dolls ....

Kao looked at Earth saw the pale and sad look then looked at Maya.

Kao: humn .. Kao put Maya on the floor ... Go to your bedroom first, my love ... Daddy will come to my princess soon ... Let daddy talk to mommy a little ...

Maya smiled and ran to her bedroom with the twins, Kao looked at Earth again and noticed his face again, noticed that something happened to him, worried, walked up to him in the kitchen said when he touched Earth's hands that is cutting the vegetables.

Kao: why are you like this?! ... You looked at me strangely when you opened the door for me! ... Are you going to tell me what's going on with you ?!

Earth looked at him as soon as he felt his hand in his, he gave a sad look, he wanted to say what he just discovered, he wanted to apologize he is very sorry for what he did, he doesn't know what to do to remedy what he did with Kao, because of a plan made by janistar and the unknown person he separated Kao from his daughter, he didn't know how to apologize and he was also afraid to say what happened, he saw that it was better for him to move away from Kao, since it was his fault, he took his hand away, turned his back on Kao and said as he dropped a tear.

Earth: nothing happened ... I'm just not feeling well ... Leave me alone and go play with your daughter ...

Kao's eyes widened a little when he heard Earth saying the last word, he knew that Earth would never give his daughter to Kao, he always heard him saying that Maya is just his daughter, now listen Earth a saying this, just left Kao amazed and suspicious. Kao wanted to say something more but he couldn't, the door to the living room opened, Earth and Kao heard the voice of Fluke and Ohm, Fluke came in with a smile on his face and looked at both of them.

Fluke: humn! P'kao! What are you doing here?!

Kao walked away from Earth, said as he approached Fluke.

Kao: I came to see my daughter!

Fluke looked at Earth, noticed that he is not well because he did not answer anything against Kao's words.

Kao: I ! .. I will go in her bedroom ... She is waiting for me ...

Kao went to Maya in the bedroom, Fluke saw Earth sighing approached Earth, worried.

Fluke: what's up with you ?! Will you tell me ?!

Earth turned, with a sad look, with no strength at the moment to talk about it, with a headache.

Earth: please, let's talk later, I'm not well ... I'm going to the bedroom ... When he leaves, please put Maya to sleep ...

Fluke: but! ...

Earth: I know you're worried about me ... But I really don't want to talk right now ...

Earth turned and went to the bedroom, Fluke was sad for Earth and also very worried but at this moment in addition to being worried, he is also very happy because he and Ohm are together again.

Kao in the bedroom with Maya and the twins, they played non-stop, Maya happily jumped over Kao's back, she said happily.

Maya: daddy! when will daddy and mommy be together?!.

Kao surprised by the question, but happy.

Kao: I really want to be with your mommy my love ... But right now, your mommy is still angry with me ... But don't worry daddy will do anything for mommy to accept daddy ..

Maya: daddy!

Kao: humn!

Maya: Maya will be six years from now in five days ... Maya showed both hands forward, one with one finger and the other with five fingers, still over Kao's back ... Daddy will come in my birthday party ?!

Happy Kao, grabbed Maya, took her off his back and held her in his lap, said smiling at her.

Kao: of course daddy will going to my princess's party ... And I'm going to bring a gift for my teddy bear ..

Maya screamed happily and hugged Kao.

Maya: ... Maya is very happy ... Thank you daddy ...

An hour passed, Maya ended up getting tired of playing, sleepy, the twins were in the living room with Fluke, Kao put Maya to bed, turned off the bedroom lamp, smiled warmly when he saw her sweet and small face sleeping, left the bedroom and went to the living room, saw Fluke leaving the girls' bedroom, noticed in the living room and kitchen that Earth is not there, worried.

Kao: N'Fluke! Where's Earth ?!

Fluke seeing his concern, replied in a slightly calm voice.

Fluke: He's not feeling well! He is currently in the bedroom resting.

Fluke went to the sofa, grabbed Ara and walked to the door of the twins' bedroom, Kao saw that Fluke is having trouble opening the door, he kindly opened the door for Fluke.

Fluke: thank you very much! ..

Fluke entered the bedroom, Kao looked at Earth's bedroom door, he knew it was his bedroom because Fluke showed him when he asked about Earth, Kao went into Earth's bedroom, saw Earth sleeping and walked up to him, sat on the bed next to him put a hand on his face, started to caress, he looked into Earth's eyes and was worried, he noticed that around his eyes he was red, his face was very pale, he noticed dry tears, he noticed that he was crying for a long time.

Kao: what's going on with you my love ?!

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