Kimmom: I think he's already gone! ... I will talk to him later ..

Kao and Earth heard Kimmom, after Kimmom left the door, Kao released Earth and said teasing him, with a smile on his eyes and lips.

Kao: It is better for him not to know that I am here, and to find ourselves in the state where the two of us are at the moment ...

Kao with his eyes indicated on Earth's body, Earth turned and looked in the mirror in the office and opened his eyes wide, he thought he dressed well, but no, his shirt, the buttons were buttoned on top of each other, his lips it showed evidence of what happened to the two of them, their hair was all messed up.

Earth looked at him full of anger, fire coming out of his mouth.

Earth: you idiot! ... Look what you did to me! .. I am .. Damn .. What anger .. I feel like strangling you.

Earth went to him and started beating his chest, Kao smiling happily at what just happened, he saw it and this time he noticed that Earth is completely his, both body and mind, Kao said when he grabbed both wrists kissed both hands, and then he looked at him.

Kao: what happened here, proves that we both love each other, and we will always love each other ... This will always be our destiny ... No matter how much time passes, our love prevails forever ..

Kao let go of Earth's hands, walked towards the door, opened the door, still at the door he just turned his head back, saw Earth from the side towards him.

Kao: I will stop by your house to see our daughter ... I promised her that I would play with her ...

Earth turned as soon as he mentioned their daughter, looked into Kao's happy eyes, angry, not enjoying seeing this winning smile.

Earth: what happened here will never happen ... And I said to speak to me first before you want to see my daughter ...

Kao continuing with the smile.

Kao: I know I must do this ... But as you can see I am already talking to you ... At 5 pm I will be at your house to see OUR DAUGHTER ...

Kao got out and closed the door, Earth furious at what just happened, knocked over the desk. Angry got dressed again and went to pick up the girls in kindergarten.

Upon arriving at kindergarten Earth saw Maya and the twins leaving the door of the kindergarten, many parents were waiting for their children to leave the kindergarten, Earth saw Maya and the twins talking to the teacher, he happy smiled, but then.

"Earth are you ?!"

Earth turned and opened his eyes wide when he saw the woman he saw five years ago on top of the naked Kao, with the man he loved. She knew who he was with a smile and put a hand out to greet him.

: nice to meet you, I'm Janistar! I'm very happy to see you again ... Are you still with p'kao ?!

Angry Earth, didn't want to talk to her, seeing her again just made him remember the scene from five years ago, Earth didn't say anything without wasting his time tried to go to Maya, but janistar.

Janistar: seeing you reacting like this! ... I see that I broke up your relationship! ... You and he are not together anymore ?!

Earth angry, stopped, bit his lower lip, turned and said a little angry.

Earth: what do you want by asking me this question?! ...

Janistar seeing bitterness in the question asked.

Janistar: I just want to know how you are in yours relationship! ...

Earth gave an irritated sigh.

Earth: You know perfectly well that the two of us are not together. I'm sure you heard about it a few days later ....You must have liked it ... you certainly stayed with him after what happened!

Janistar: yes! I really knew ... But I didn't stay with him ... He left me as soon as he saw you leaving the bedroom ... Janistar revealing the truth five years ago ...I went to his bedroom trying to have something with him, I even forced him to take the towel off! he had just come out of the bathroom... Do you believe that he was able to deny a completely naked beautiful and perfect woman like me?! .... Earth's eyes widened upon hearing this ...I tried everything for him to make love with me! But he only thought about being faithful, because of you! Can you believe?! I pushed him on the bed, and I was almost going to have something with him, but unfortunately you came and ruined everything ...

Earth hearing and seeing her so carefree way of speaking what really happened, was furious, went to her, slapped her twice in the face, silenced her with these insignificant words.

When she was slapped, she almost fall but Earth grabbed her hair from behind and said as he pulled her hair out, approached his face next to her face, furious, full of anger, with the section of guilt for everything that happened to him and Kao.

Earth: are you aware of what you just talked about ?! Do you realize what you did to me and to our lives ?! With my life and my daughter's ?! ... Earth let go of her hair, turned her around, gave her three more slaps and pushed her to the floor ... Because of you I committed the greatest injustice ...I blamed him and left the man I love because of the shit you did ... You destroyed me and p'kao ...I'm going to kill you ...

Earth tried to grab her more, but the people who were in kindergarten went to him and grabbed him from behind, furious, angry at what he just heard, janistar with her face all red and her hair all wrecked on her head, she said when trying to get air in the lungs.

Janistar: are you crazy ?! ... I didn't want to do that ... I was told to do this ... I did ... I was ordered to seduce your boyfriend, separate you from him, in return they would give me money ..

Earth's eyes widened, angry and surprised to hear that.

Earth: You what?! ... Who ?! Who told you to separate me from p'kao ?!

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now