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  • Dédié à Zen, the most hipster of cats

I’m obsessed with making playlists. Like, if you know me, I’ve probably made you a mixtape at some point. So naturally, I made up a playlist of The Souls of Drowned People.

And I thought I’d share it with you, because I can’t make burn copies for you all. But I totally would.

School Day’s Over: The Chieftains w/The Low Anthem

 ~ My favorite Irish band. This is from an album they did with a bunch of current artists, like Bon Iver and the Civil Wars, collaborating with them on traditional Irish songs. It’s pretty much the best thing ever.

I’m Going Back- Cathie Ryan

~ If Moira was an Irish-American singer/songwriter, she would have probably written this song.

Sally- Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit

Alas I Cannot Swim- Laura Marling

Marie’s Wedding- The Chieftains w/Van Morrison

The Shore- Basia Bulat

~ “But the wave is rushing out, the wave is rushing out on your shoulders. And if I’m awake this time, I’ll know. All over your eyes, the storm is nearly over.”

Tommy Bhetty’s Waltz- Altan

~ Altan is my second favorite Irish band, and I just needed a good waltz for Moira and Cillian.

Take Her In Your Arms- Andy M. Stewart

~ Classic Irish love song: “If you’re gonna love a woman, then be sure and do it right.”

Fishing at Orbost- Peatbog Faeries

All the Rowboats- Regina Spektor

~ There’s this line about touching a touching a sculpture “smooth as satin” and I stole that for the scene where Moira first sees Ronan as a human.

First Day of my Life- Bright Eyes

Steps- Orla Gartland

~ Dublin-based singer/songwriter who I swear has already read The Souls of Drowned People and writes songs for it, because they all fit so well. This one’s my favorite, and it reminds me of Moira sneaking off to Ireland with Cillian and wondering about the uncertainty of going home.

Float- Flogging Molly

~ “Don’t sink the boat/that you built/you built to keep afloat.”

Ceol A’phiobare- Altan

~ I’ve never actually translated the lyrics to this, but it’s just so beautiful and haunting that it fits, regardless of what the song is actually about.

Dance My Pain Away- Wye Oak

~ I was so in love with this song when I wrote the scene with Moira and Cillian frolicking around in the meadow, and it fits the mood of that scene.

Explorers- Sky Sailing

Scalliwag- Gaelic Storm

~ Reminds me of Cillian, and his determination to be with Moira.

Furr- Blitzen Trapper

~ This one’s about wolves, not seals, but the lyrics still fit.

Down by the Water- The Decemberists

Little Talks- Of Monsters and Men

Cannonball- Damien Rice

~ Just another pretty, sad song. Also, I think Cillian’s singing voice would probably sound a bit like Damien Rice.

I Will Follow You Into the Dark- Death Cab for Cutie

~ Self explanatory, I think.


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