Chapter 18 (what now?)

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[Y/N] POV****

*There's one thing a saiyan always keeps his PRRIIDDDDEEEEEE--* *click*

[Y/N]: body.......

Its 8 am huh and it's December 28 and Goddam.........having sex with a fictional character just seems awesome........but if you think you will survive well think again because this......this ain't it chief you need powers to survive and not to mention if I win Evelynns heart I'm definitely gonna have to get male enchantment because from reading wattpad stories and seeing league lore i know she is the craziest of them all..........but what the hell was that last night....I mean the saliva we exchanged was awesome but like what was in made my mind go blank and I couldn't think.....maybe it was the sex but I don't know it seems like the Saliva has a special power or something

[Y/N]:wow........not a pretty sight to see

I lifted my arms and well they are covered in small cuts like if a cat scratched me.......hold on let me grab my phone and reflect my camera

[Y/N]: Wow..........people will think I'm a pimp

My neck was covered in hickeys but they were normal not to purple or something also some of them looked perfect to be tattoos but what also surprised me is that I have a puncture mark in some of them.......I mean she is a fox but Jesus she got teeth too huh

Ahri: *soft breathing*

A turn to my right and I see her sleeping the girl who caused this mess on my mind and my body......thank god I had powers because I'm not sure the average human would survive.......also her body was fricken amazing I gotta say league devs did a good design for her......

[Y/N]: time to get some water because im drained

Wow......even my legs have cuts......ain't that something........but I feel really hungry and thirsty so I guess ill just go to the kitchen and get me and ahri something........but I have to question her the puncture wounds since seems like a vampire bit me and just sucked me hard.....haha....SUCC!!
Anyways have to dress up in clothes before I leave

[Y/N]: Alright.......done.......and done.......alright time to go

I'm ready even though I'm wearing all black......maybe I should change my style but being all black is my favorite......reminds me of there baddest outfits.....anyways lets head out

*click* *closes door softly* *walks*

[Y/N]: wow.......the living room seems a little messy

Yup I see that there's some food and chips in the floor that my chocolate chip cookie crumbs on the floor......alright who did I'm pretty pissed but luckily I hope my muffin isn't being eaten because I like to eat a muffin and banana every morning because it's my daily routine......sometimes coffee when I'm tired to which I probably will take some since.....last night.............that was awesome last night I kinda want to do it again haha........wait a minute the Xbox controller is in the floor too huh..........soooo I guess this person was having a good time........welll.....probably I'll find out later on anyways to the kitchen

Kai'sa: *munch* im pissed because kai'sa is eating my muffin and it's protein made too and I made it........*sighhhh* I'll allow it since well........she looks pretty cute like if she's pouting when consuming that muffin

[Y/N]: Hey there

Kai'sa: Oh......*swallow*....hi

[Y/N]: Care to explain why you are eating my muffin *smile*

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