Chapter 9 (IM VERY ANGRY!)

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[Y/N] POV***

I'm so mad....I can't think straight....all I want to do now is kill him

Swain: My my what a impressive transformation but your still nothing against us...

Jhin: He's a blonde now huh my art will look very good with his hair

Zed: Hmph you may have powered up but it doesn't mean you can't defeat us

Swain: Lets give it a little test shall we

He fired his red blast on me and to my surprise I didn't feel it I was really angry that I didn't care if I was in pain all I wanted was to kill him...

Swain: Well now that's new

Zed: Hmph not your highest attack was it Swain

Swain: No not really but why don't we all attack him at once let's see if he will budge

Jhin: Agreed let's burn him up hahahahhahaa

With that they shot me, threw shurikens at me and fired alot of blasts on me but to no avail...

Zed: What the....

Swain: Well now this is a improvement

Jhin: HE will make fine art for me

Swain: Hmph it seems our powers and gadgets don't work on him It just bounces off of him he's like a tank......a tank that should have saved him friend when he died hahahahahaha......huh?

[Play the song on top........look I'm sorry it just fits]

[Y/N]: Grrrrr.......IM VERY ANGRRYY!!

Issac POV****

[Y/N]: Grrrrr.......IM VERY ANGRRYY!!

The moment he said that he charged at Swain will full force and punched him in the face and I could have swore I heard a bone Crack because Swain was sent flying and hitting the wall.......

Ekko: My God he sent him flying

Ahri: Yea a good sign he can do this

Issac: As long as he's still angry he will keep on fighting to the very end

Evelynn: let's see what he can do with this power

Yasuo: Wait Swain is getting up and its more different then usual

He was right because Swain seemed to glow more and the forcefield that was In front of us glowed too.....this is pretty bad

Issac: Wait what's growing out of Swain?

Ahri: I don't know ive never seen that before

Evelynn: We never brought him to his limits like [Y/N] did

Ekko: And it seems to not stop

Issac: Dammit I think this fight is going to last a little bit longer then we thought.....

[Y/N] POV***

[Y/N]:That's what you get you monster......huh

Swain was changing he was glowing and out of him he grew wings and he was up and healed.....I believe this is his full power

Swain: [Y/N]......THIS IS THE END FOR YOU!!

He charged at me and I hit the wall but I felt my life and energy being drained.....I forgot his ultimate in the game can drain enemies and then release a shockwave......the shockwave can help me if I went towards zed and jhin who are just watching me and Swain fight......cowards

What the hell is going on (kda (possibly more) x male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin