Chapter 4(slaughterhouse or something?)

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[Y/N] POV***

[Y/N]: So......*huff* had enough?

Evelynn: what do you mean

[Y/N]: im saying do you give up because all your doing now is making me more powerful

That's's been about 10 more minutes and all there abilities aren't doing much to me nor physically contact.....I gotta admit I'm a little frightening considering if someone else say someone evil was to exploit this power then he or she will be unstoppable.......that's if they have pawns to make them stronger like what I have right now

Ahri: Never we have a job to do and we are going to complete it

[Y/N]: well suit yourself because im going to end this.......but now I just feel bad

Ahri: Why?

[Y/N]: Because.......I'm kinda killing you guys off and I'm probably going to regret considering I'm gonna miss my 1 chance of having a harem and possibly rescuing you from this evil monster that has us all trapped and being free and also settling in to this new world together......

Kda: *blushes* ha.....harem

Ahri: what's a harem

Akali: Oh I know it's basically where 1 guy gets shared among alot of woman

Evelynn: So wait you want to keep us alive for a harem to date YOU?

[Y/N]: well when you put it into that terms well.....yea......but I can clearly see you don't feel that way either *nervous laughter*

????: Now that we are done with all the talking and loving im inviting some guests to help you girls

Kda: And who might that be

????: Some special people you know and they are the backup

Ah great.....just great well let's hope I get lucky or something that they are the same as these girls.

????: Here they come

I saw what looked like two separate cubes filled with what I can assume is a soul or like essence......reminds me of megamind but there was two pairs headed towards me and the kda and they both had different colors and i think I know what they are considering one of the cubes group colors was black and reddish while the other is greenish and whiteish..........I think my day has gotten a little bit more weirder and awesome......out of the red and black cubes came out the pentakill group and the greenish whiteish was the true damage group and my god.........I WANT TO SCREAM LIKE A KID BUT THIS IS JUST TO AWESOME...

Evelynn: Your late

Ekko: Well we were just created a while ago can you really blame us

Karthus: That is true and besides we had to deal with some company

Wait company.........thats right wheres issac

Ekko: Hey [Y/N] my man looking for you friend

He was holding issac all tied up but he looked sort of calm......but whats ever stranger is that he just gave him to me like made him walk to me

[Y/N]: What the why did you give me issac easily like that and what did you guys do to him

Ekko: Nothing really he just found us and well we had nothing planned for him and since your the owner of him we decided to just give him to you

Karthus: Yea and besides were really not assholes you know.

[Y/N]: well then thats interesting to know

What the hell is going on (kda (possibly more) x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now