Chapter 13 (Have mercy?)

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[Y/N] POV****

Well im going to get bombarded by none other then my twitch fans.....oh brother this is why I don't leave my home....but wait im a saiyan I can fly out of here....wait how do I fly.....fuck i forgot to try the flying technique.....but even if I do have the power of flight I can't use it the human world....if I do ill just attract attention and people might be like I'm the chosen one by God or something....and then containment will come for me from the government....mannnn if only people weren't afraid of unnatural powers

????: Hey [Y/N] how's my cosplay I'm ahri

????: Yes [Y/N] you see I'm kai'sa do you like it?

????: ..mmmmmmm *licks lips* how's mine I'm Evelynn also nice sweater

Ok so basically there was one time I streamed on twitch and I was so desperate for love that I told the viewers the truth and now girls are coming to me with there cosplays and want to date me but to be honest with you.....there cosplays are really good but not as good as the real deal I have behind me and plus they probably only want to date me either for my wealth or some other crap since I know for a fact the cosplayers won't stay the same for a long time like using the same crap over and over again to satisfy me but I will give that kai'sa cosplayer a plus since she's taller then me and everyone else.......just how i like it..........wait....I have the gadget for growth I wonder if i can give it to the girls behind me then..........awwww yes I can already feel that I'm going to have alot of fun when they dominate me.......

????: Hey [Y/N] who are those people behind you

Dammit woman I was having a awesome fantasy where I was submissive and dominant......yes I'm a switch.......but shit I have to deal with these girls what am I going to say....the girls and guys behind me look like advanced cosplayers but in just ordinary clothes...quick think [Y/N] think......

[Y/N]: *ahem* they are just some people I found online

????: Well the girls look like us but can't be us

????: Yea plus they are in dbz sweaters

????: Why do I get the feeling I know them or not

[Y/N]: Listen there just people I saw in the internet and well I wanted to come and hang out with them because I was bored so

????: You can come hang out with me *smiles evily* I'll reward you very well

You see this is why I have a hard time with love its pretty obvious this girl wants wealth and not me I turn around just to see what's up and I realized........Issac your suppose to be my wingman what the hell.....

[Y/N]: Ummm.....where's Issac??

Ahri: Oh......Issac? I thought you heard that he left with the rest of them.......Like you are about to do right now huh?? she getting angry and jealous........I mean these girls are making moves on me because they want something from me but ahri........I'm a little bit it possible......possible I can date her.....

[Y/N]: Oh haha I'm still staying here

????: come on [Y/N] I'll show you a very fun time

????: Yea we are better then the girls you have right now

Alright buddy I'm sensing alot of negative energy here but what I'm also sensing is a weird sensation around my waist....neck.....and chest.....what is this.....I look towards the girls and Evelynn and ahri looked pretty pissed....kai was a little down from it and akali and seraphine were starting to get angry.........I think it's ahri and Evelynn thats causing the weird sensation....

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