Chapter 8(You have got to be kidding me)

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[Y/N] POV****

5 minutes early

Ughh I gotta say im starting to like the idea of dating ahri but I don't know if she feels the same........ahh who am I kidding I'm out of her league there's no way a guy like me can seduce her.......right???


I mean what are the chances right to suddenly date a video game character and a romance Character that you have thought of for so long.....not to mention she's possibly the perfect woman then other woman in this world


Well I just got to honor her promise and hopefully get all of us out

Issac: [Y/N]!!

[Y/N]: Huh what....what's wrong?

Issac: You have been standing in front of the door for a while now...whats wrong?

[Y/N]: Oh nothing just thinking about what's going to be in the otherside

Issac: You sure it wasn't ahri?

[Y/N]: Oh hahaha but no it wasn't

Issac: Whatever but let's get a move on yea

We proceeded to the next door and well it's a huge room with a staircase leading towards the door which is probably the way out of this place but before I could say anything the announcer came back........I really gotta figure out who he is

????: Well well well look who made it to the end of the road

[Y/N]: end of the road what do you mean I thought this was stage 3 the slaughterhouse

????: Oh it is but you experienced half of the stage because you see stage 3 is connected with 2 and 4 that's why kda got backup just to give you of what's coming later on.....

[Y/N]: So basically I have to fight multiple people but then who is the boss??

????:Oh don't worry we will be coming down just about......Now

With that the door opened and holy crap more league characters and not the good kind......why are they villains in this story....ah doesn't matter questions for later

[Y/N]: NO way....your.....

????: Oh yea I am I am the boss of this place I am creation I AM

[Y/N] and ????: Swain

Issac: Who?

[Y/N]: He's called swain leader of noxus but how how are you able to control the place without the humans being on you for taking what's theres???

Swain: It's simple [Y/N] we made a deal and I am very powerful indeed so having me as a asset will surely help them conduct more research

[Y/N]: But How and why

Swain: Easy they test me and I bested them,I destroyed all the humans in this facility but I left some alive and then they contacted me saying if I don't hand the rest of them back I will die to which was filled with empty threats but then I started to think.......and thus we made a deal to which we test powers on innocent people and see which powers are good for society or not

[Y/N]: But why innocents why not animals like we usually do or something else?

Swain: Because [Y/N] we have to evolve.....there's no room for the weak.......we are going to create the PERFECT ARMIES THAT MANKIND HAS NEVER SEEN

[Y/N]: really so all this time all the money that was being funded for the military all that was to create super soldiers to aid in your conquest of world domination to create a new world order??......

What the hell is going on (kda (possibly more) x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now