Chapter 6(Oh great)

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[Y/N] POV****

There they are.....all trapped and underneath them is void and the button is right in front of me......the left saying yes and the right saying no

Ahri: It's ok [Y/N] *smile*

Yasuo: Well at least we got to meet you bro *laughter*

Karthus: We will rock on in the afterlife

Ekko: Well since it's my death then.....I had a great time with all of you *smile*

Evelynn: Yea same here *smile*

Akali KDA: *siggghhhh* well at least I had the opportunity to read the mangas

Akali Td: Well it was a fun fight

Qiyana: Well gg [Y/N] *smile*

Dammit......the weight and pressure and guilt is just building up upon me I was hesitant on pressing the button since......I don't know this is the first time I'm deciding someone's death and that someone is like from a video game and it would have been every leagues man or woman's dream just to talk to them or be friends with them or possibly even date them.....should I really say yes....I mean they did try to kill me but....I can see that they didn't want to since it was just forced.....

I look back towards issac and his expression is telling me that I shouldn't......and I think his expression was right since I really don't want to kill them since I can just imagine the adventures and all the romances happening in the future and possibly having a girlfriend for me since I've mostly been alone for all my life.......and maybe seeing if what wattpad taught me can be used in this real world on them.......But I gotta think heavily on this since If I let them live they will be in my life for a long time but society and mankind will be fearful since your basically letting creations walk around freely and I'm not sure how a regular human will react to a 12 feet tall dude.......but if I kill them I will be living with guilt for a long time since I missed opportunities and alot of things that would have been fun if they were around......But you know what Fuck this guy ill let them live because they deserve a second chance

????: So what will it be?

[Y/N]: I've made my decision

Ekko: Well gg guys it was a fun ride

[Y/N]: and my answer is.......

They all stare at me knowing that I'm there fate decider and with a sad/happy expression on there faces.......good thing I'm a good guy

[Y/N]: NO!

ALL: Huh!?

????: What???

[Y/N]: You heard me my answer is no

I press the button saying no so I won't kill them I refuse to live my life with regrets and miss this opportunity

[Y/N]: Now let them go

????: Hmph as You wish but ill give you 10 minutes to talk to them and then you and me are going to have a little chat......

Ahri: I don't get it why save all of us

Evelynn: Yea why though when we tried to kill you

[Y/N]: Because........I believe you all deserve a second chance

And with that they were shocked.....shocked know that me a mere human/hybrid decided to give them life even though they are from a videogame

Ekko: But why?

[Y/N]: Because I felt bad and I know that you were forced to kill me so I don't hold it against you I may be a clown but I know from what's right and wrong and thankfully I'm a good guy and not a bad one

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