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"Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong."


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I had finished watching Divergent so I chose to watch Insurgent. Now I'm on the last one; Allegiant. The more I watched these movies the less sense they made to me. Sawrina still slept peacefully but her head had fallen on my lap using it as a pillow. In a way, I was somewhat ok with it because I was beginning to have feelings for the girl but in another, I was still tensed up not wanting any contact...guess it's my whole 'tough guy' act as Leo calls it but that's just how I am. He won't understand.


"Master Shredder..." A voice spoke as I looked up and saw Xever and Bradford standing there with bruises covering them. "They...They got away and the merchandise was...destroyed." Bradford informed worriedly as I glanced over at Shredder who I could tell even with his mask on that he was furious. "You two have been beaten by these foolish reptiles countless times! You are unreliable and unworthy of the Foot Clan name!" Shredder spat angrily as the two mutants flinched when his voice rose. "W-We promise it won't happen again. We will defeat the Turtles." Xever stuttered nervously as Shredder took his seat. "If you break this promise...I will hand you over to Sawrina personally. She is bored of little sport." Shredder warned as I watched the two mutants nervously glance at me before nodding and leaving.

I could smell Mikey's cooking even in my sleep. I sat up and lifted the burgundy fleece blanket that covered me. "Morning Dudette." I heard Mikey greet me happily as I stood up and placed my braid back on my left shoulder wear it was supposed to be. "Hey Mikey." I greeted back before walking to the bathroom and getting changed into my ninja outfit. After that, I made my way to our room an put my weapons in their holsters before heading out without telling a soul. I needed to get some fresh air and maybe come across some Kraang bots who needed a beat down.
Running across rooftops never got old. Feeling the fresh breeze hit your face. The sensation of your lungs burning but because of how amazing the views are you tend to forget about the more painful part of running. I came to a stop on a rooftop edge as I absorbed my surroundings and more importantly the sounds. Cars driving by, people conversing, and the soft wind. The Big Apple or the City That Never Sleeps. People have a lot of names for it but me...I just call it home. I sat down on the ledge inhaling deeply as I watched the sun slowly come up. "Coming out here alone knowing that the Kraang and Shredder are after you? I have to say...you're quite brave." A deep, familiar voice said from behind me as I turned and saw Raph. Usually if someone just randomly started talking from behind me I would pull out a katana or two and get ready to fight but I knew these Turtles all too well in their methods of stealth. "Enjoying the view?" He asked sitting down next to me as I nodded. "Yeah." I mumbled just above a whisper. "Ya know, you should start leaving notes when you decide to run off on your own." He advised as I scoffed slightly. "And you do?" I questioned as he raised a brow. "Unwanted comebacks are usually my thing." He replied as I forced my eyes to look back at the city. My heart started racing again like it was last time I was around Raph. It was still unfamiliar to me and I had no idea what this feeling was called yet but I guarantee I'll find out sooner or later. "We should head back now. Mikey should be finished with breakfast." Raph suggested as I sighed. I wasn't really hungry. I rarely was anymore. "Whats with the sigh? Not hungry?" He questioned. It was like he could see right through me. "No. I just don't want to go back yet." I lied as I stood up and took one last look at the city before leading the way back to the lair.


"Sensei...can I ask you for advice?" I hesitantly asked peeking my head in the dojo as Sensei nodded. He was in the middle of meditating when he hummed in acceptance. I walked in and kneeled in front of him to show respect. "Raphael my son. What is troubling you?" He asked as I sighed. "Well...it's Sawrina. She barely eats and she's been sneaking out to go running around the city doing who knows what. She doesn't get much sleep either. I don't know what to do." I explained as Sensei nodded. "You should talk to her." He recommended. Seriously? He couldn't be serious. Talking to her about her own problems seemed almost like a death wish which I know because I hate it when people come asking me questions about my problems as well. "Raphael. If you wish to grow closer to our guest then you cannot be afraid to speak with her about the uneasy things. The more you show her that she is capable of trusting you, that she is safe here and free from judgement as well as the past, the more she will open up to you. However you cannot force this upon her...it takes time my son." Sensei stated before walking over to the shelf that held a picture of him and his family back when he was still human. "The girl wears a look I have become familiar with. She has the look of your brother in her eyes. Leonardo's eyes are full of doubt and fear. Not fear for himself...but fear for others. Your brother often carries a large burden on his shoulders when it comes to leadership...just like you try to carry the burden of the world on yours. Sawrina is not wrong for wearing such a look in fact, that is one of the many things that makes her special. You must learn to work with these doubts and burdens." He explained as I nodded before giving a "Hai Sensei" and leaving. I just couldn't understand. What kind of burden could she be carrying?

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