1|| The Girl

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"Sometimes in life, we're handed things we don't expect or want and we are given two choices; push it away or deal with it."


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My whole life I felt like I was a prisoner. Like I was some toy for scientists to play around with. I was 6-years old when I was taken from my parents, watching through the back windows of a white van as two robots walked in my house with guns and these strange purple lasers came shooting out. I never knew what happened to my parents but I had several ideas; one was that the robots killed them, two was that the robots took them, and three was that they escaped. The robots are called The Kraang and they're from Dimension X which can only be accessed by a portal at the top of their headquarters known as TCRI. This 64-story building has an interesting story behind it, it was built years ago to be used as an office building by regular humans however the reason they worked is unknown to me. Some sort of science type building. Kraang Prime became the owner of TCRI pushing all the regular human workers out and filled the entire building with alien robots except for the first three floors which helped keep the buildings true purpose a secret yet the humans had no idea who they were working for.


"We've been walking the sewers for hours! Can we go do something fun?" Mikey asked as I let out a low growl. I'm tired of his whining. "No. Sensei says we gotta look through the tunnels for any missing mutagen canisters." Leo said as Donnie led us through the endless supply of tunnels followed by the increasingly aggravating sound of the mutagen tracker. "My tracker's going crazy! There's gotta be some mutagen down here!" Donnie said sounding almost like he was excited. "Let's move." Leo ordered as we followed Donnie down the tunnel marked 238B. Unfortunately it only led to a dead end but we all froze in our tracks when we saw a figure laying on the ground.
"Guys...what is that?" Mikey asked with a tone of slight panic as I placed my sais in my hands firmly just in case we needed to fight. "Not what. Who?" Donnie said pushing his glasses up. "By my calculations, it's a girl." Donnie said as we approached closer and the shape of the figure did make out to be a girl, but what was wrong with her? "She's hurt." Donnie said as he approached the girl quickly. My brother wasn't wrong, the girl had a growing pool of blood surrounding her and once Leo turned her over on her back it revealed a disgusting, blood-gushing gash that went right across her chest. Mikey gagged before backing away from the scene as Donnie placed his goggles over his glasses and put two fingers on her neck. "Her pulse is dropping by the minute. According to my calculations, this happened a little under 10-minutes ago. We need to get her back to my lab. She's sustained damage to several ribs, tissue, and her right lung." Donnie said as Leo picked her up gently. "Careful we don't wanna hurt her any worse than she already is." Donnie cautioned before pulling some sort of cloth from his backpack. "Hold her steady, I'm gonna use this to try and stop the bleeding or at least slow it down." He said before placing the cloth firmly over the wound which seemed to only make it bleed more. "Bro this is disgusting!" Mikey said before turning away again. "Then look away." I said. "We need to get back to the lair, now Leo!" Donnie said frantically as I glanced towards his hands and noticed the blood running down them and dripping on the ground. "What about Splinter?" I asked as Leo rolled his eyes. "I'll handle him, let's move!" Leo demanded as we followed him quickly to the lair.


"Sensei!" Mikey shouted as Splinter rushed into the lab quickly while Leo laid the girl on the table and Donnie started working on her wounds. "What has happened my sons?" Sensei asked before he noticed the girl. "Who is this?" He questioned. "We found her in the tunnels." Leo informed as Sensei rubbed his chin. "Donatello...do your best to help her. We must find out her identity and who did this to her." Sensei said strictly before walking out the lab. "You heard him, Donnie." Leo said as I took a second to observe her features. She had on a black ninja outfit with different pieces of silver metal attached in several places. It was unlike any ninja armor I've seen before. Her hair was a medium brown color that was pulled back in a messy side braid with trickles of blood in certain spots. She had many weapons on her which Donnie requested for me to remove and I did so but they consisted of smoke bombs, a scalpel chain, 2 katanas, and shurikens. At least that was the only weapons I saw. Why did she carry so many? What did she need them for? I had so many questions to ask but no answers to receive. "She has a fever of 105.6 F. We gotta cool her down. Mikey get some cold rags!" Donnie ordered before he started typing on his computer. "Don't give her any meds. We don't know what she's allergic to and based off of what I'm reading...she may be cold-blooded." Donnie spoke again as I watched Mikey run in with the rags while I carefully placed them on her forehead hoping it would calm down the fever. "But she's human?" Leo protested as Donnie glanced back at his screen.
"Guys...you won't believe what I just found out." Donnie said before turning away from his computer.
"She has metal and mutagen in her blood."

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