19|| Healing

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"Sometimes confronting the enemy is the only way to make peace."


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It turns out that Raph had spoke with Splinter about my nightmares. I wasn't mad at him I just didn't want anyone worrying about me or trying to care for me. I wanted to do two things; defeat the Kraang and beat Shredder. That's it. Aside that, I stood in the dojo waiting for Sensei because I was told that he had some advice for me which I was somewhat interested in hearing. Splinter always seemed to have good advice and was naturally wise having little back stories to go along with his wisdom. I guess wisdom really does coming from experience which was something Shredder told me.
"Good morning." He greeted as he walked in the dojo stroking his chin. I sent him a simple nod followed by a slight smile as he motioned for me to sit on my knees in front of him and I did so while he did the same. "Raphael has informed me that you have had trouble sleeping." He said as he pulled a small wooden table in front of us with two Japanese decorated tea cups and a pot. I took a second to observe the designs lining the pottery. Bright pink Japanese cherry blossom flowers with a pagoda on the pot. He poured us each a cup before we both took a sip at the same time to show respect and harmony. "I have taught this to Leonardo before and I am prepared to teach you as well. This will help you with your nightmares and if you have any other troubles that seem to cross your path. It is an ancient Japanese healing mantra." He explained as I gave him my undivided attention. "Focus on the movements of my hands and follow along with me." He said before folding his hands together and raising his index fingers towards me. I checked that my hands were in the correct form as he continued. "Rin. Pyou. Tou. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." He stated strongly as we did several different forms with our hands, each one representing a different word.
"What do they mean?" I asked curiously as he took another sip of tea. "Rin means power. Pyou, energy. Tou, harmony. Sha, healing. Kai, intuition. Jin, awareness. Retsu, dimension. Zai, creation. Zen, absolute." He explained as I took a small sip from my cup. "It is called Kuji Kiri. It has been used in Ninjutsu for a long time to help keep the ninjas down to earth and calm when in times that fear overtakes the mind. I am hoping it will help you as it helped my son." Sensei explained as I smiled and we continued to practice a couple more times before my training was over.
I made my way to the living room where Leo was swinging his katanas around for practice, Mikey was throwing a ball into a net, Donnie was typing on his computer, and Raph was just watching the television. I made my way past them and sat down on the couch beside Raph as he looked over at me thinking I didn't notice but I did. The movie he was watching definitely seemed...interesting. Some sort of giant dinosaur-type thing destroying a city. "Is this what you do when you're not training?" I questioned hoping he would understand my horrible way of making conversation which he did luckily. "Eh sometimes I just work out, but I always have time for Godzilla." He commented as I raised a brow. Godzilla? Was that the name of the movie? "That's the movie by the way." He explained as I nodded. There was a long pause before he hesitantly spoke. "So what's your favorite movie?" He questioned. I haven't really seen any movies. "I don't have one." I replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ok. How about favorite...color?" He asked. Now he was just wondering what my favorite things were it seemed. "Red." I answered as he smirked a little before turning his gaze towards the television. "Favorite thing to do?" He asked before looking at me again. "I like reading...working out...training. That's about it." I responded before noticing a building explode in the movie. This movie seemed very...time consuming. I figured maybe it's my turn to ask some questions. "What about you? What's your favorite thing to do?" I asked as he gave me a look of surprise almost like he expected the awkward silence to continue. "I like working out and training." He replied as I nodded. I could relate to that.


We sat an watched the movie for a few more minutes until it finally ended and she got up to leave. I made my way to our room and noticed she was now sitting on her bed reading the comic book I lended to her. It made me smile for a second before I climbed into my bed and started reading one of my own. "Guys, Sensei wants us sparring tonight for training." Leo informed as he walked in before sitting on his bed and reading a Space Heroes comic. I don't know how he loved a tv show so much when it didn't make any sense at all. "Also, Donnie says he has been working on something to beat the Kraang with...and it's finished." Leo added on as I gave him a concerned glance. Whenever Donnie makes something it's not too bad however there have been times where it's completely ridiculous. "When do we see it?" I asked as Leo shrugged. "He just told me." Leo explained as I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling. Can we just hurry up and beat the Kraang already? I'm tired of sitting around.

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