25|| Movie Night

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"Strength grows in moments where we think we can't go on...but we do."


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The Kraang have been quiet lately. Too quiet. I had been staying with the Turtles for a little over a week now and was really getting to know them better. I enjoyed hanging around each one of them for their personalities. Leo was calm and always wanting to improve his skills, Raph was competitive and always wanted to train or work out, Donnie was working on ways to build new inventions and study new things, and Mikey was very hyper with a tendency to cause mischief towards his brothers in an entertaining way. I'd been going on patrol with them every night looking for any Kraang or Foot Clan activity which has been strange because there's neither. That has to mean they're planning something.

I sat on my bed drawing in my sketchbook again while Leo and Mikey were having a fair disagreement on two different tv shows that I had never heard of. That's when Mikey asked "Hey Rina, which is better; Chris Bradford or Space Heroes?" Mikey can't really like Chris Bradford right? The guy works for Shredder but I guess I can't really judge that because I worked for Shredder too. "How do you like Chris Bradford after he literally tried to capture all of us?" Leo protested. "He still has a great show, man." Mikey insisted before the two glanced back over at me. "So...which is better?" Mikey questioned me as I sighed heavily. "Do I really have to answer?" I asked dreadfully as they nodded. "Fine. Space Heroes." I answered with no hesitation. I'd seen quick glances of scenes from Space Heroes because Leo watches that during his free time in the living room. "Ha! Told ya!" Leo taunted happily before Mikey pouted but then laughed as he jumped on his bed and opened a magazine. "What shows have you seen Sawrina?" Leo asked while I gave it some thought. Definitely not as many as they have but I've seen a few. "Hunger Games, Maze Runner, and Divergent." I stated before closing my sketchbook and placing it on the shelf beside me. "Haven't seen Divergent. We should watch that tonight." Leo suggested as I glanced over at Mikey who quickly threw his comic book off his bed and smiled happily. "Yes! I'll go tell Raph and Donnie!" He shouted as he ran out the room followed by me and Leo laughing. "Someone's happy." I said with a slight chuckle as Leo nodded. "Yeah." He agreed. "So what exactly is the point of Space Heroes?" I questioned before an answer was given but not from Leo. "It's this space crew led by a guy named Captain Ryan who Leo truly adores and basically the whole crew fights a monster, they all panic, Captain Ryan slaps them before saving the day, and they all fly away in their happy space ship." Raph responded with a gruff tone while Leo rolled his eyes. "Real cute Raph. There's so much more to it. Like actual life lessons. Besides, Captain Ryan is a great leader." Leo argued as Raph shook his head and climbed up on his bed. "So I heard tonight's a movie night?" He asked as Leo nodded. "This is gonna be so fun! We can make popcorn!" Mikey shouted excitedly as I smirked a little at his hyper persona.


We all gathered on the couch as Mikey started the movie. I sat on the end beside Raph with a blanket over my lap that me and him were sharing. Once Mikey started it, he passed out three bowls of popcorn; one for Leo and Donnie, one for me and Raph, and obviously one for Mikey to have all to himself. "This is so exciting!" Mikey cheered as Raph smacked him. "We get it now be quiet." Raph said.

It was exactly how I remembered it. Tris Prior became Dauntless and fell in love with Tobias while the two tried to hide the fact that they were divergent and eventually a small war occurred. It was never my favorite but I didn't mind it. Mikey was asleep with half his popcorn spilt on his lap, Donnie was asleep surprisingly as well and Leo followed. It was just me and Raph still awake. I glanced over at a clock that read 1:16am. I don't know how I managed to stay up so late but I do know that my eyelids were growing heavier and the movie still had about thirty minutes left. "Tired?" Raph questioned as I shook my head no denying the truth. His eyes locked back on to the television as I felt mine closing.


Once the movie finished playing I noticed everyone was asleep except for me. Nothing abnormal. I have to admit that the movie was definitely good but not how I imagined it. I thought that Tris would be accepted because of her difference but I suppose not. Then I noticed that there were two more movies that tied with it. Another time perhaps. I found my eyes turning to Sawrina whose head had fallen against my right shoulder and the blanket was only covering one side of her. I hesitantly fixed it and listened to the soft breathing mixed with the loud snores from my brothers. As much as I found it a little nerve-racking, I had to admit I enjoyed her head resting there.
She truly was an interesting being.

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