Epilouge - The End?

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"And so the OMG Girlz, and my ex boyfriend, Jared, all went to jail! Along with this other guy, Aaron," I said, explaining my dream to Jamaya. It's still hard to believe that all of that was a dream. There was never any B.D., and I've never met Mindless Behavior, Laurielle, The OMG Girlz, Diggy or Aaron. It was too surreal. Anyways, were on our way to the Mindless Behavior concert. "And then it was New Years, and the boys left on a world tour, and then I woke up! Crazy, huh?" Jamaya stared at me with wide eyes. "Wow. All of that happened in your dream?" I nodded. "Mhm, and it all felt so real..." I said, trailing off. I remembered every waking detail that happened in the dream. "So let me get this straight," Jamaya started, "You were dating Prodigy, and I was dating Prince?" I smiled a little, "Yeah. But, I doubt that will even happen in real life. Prodigy will never give me the time of day." I looked down solemnly, and she put her arm around my shoulder. "Hey, don't say that. That's definitely a possibility, you never know."

I shrugged, she did have a point. “Girls, we're at the concert,” my mom said from the front seat. “Thanks for driving us, Ms. Ryan,” Jamaya said as she unbuckled her seat belt. I got out of the car and my mom called me back. “Ambie, when the concert is over, let me know and I'll pick you and Jamaya up.” I smiled, “Thanks, mom, I'll see you later.” She blew me a kiss, and sped away. I ran to meet Jamaya. Unlike my dream, there was a line for the meet and greet this time. It was only like a 30 minute wait, though. When we got inside the building, my heart race quickened, but slowed soon after once we were in the room with Diggy. I thought about my previous accusations of him being apart of B.D. in my dream. He smiled genuinely, “What's up, ladies?” Jamaya gushed, “I'm doing fine, especially since I'm here with you now.” I busted out laughing; Jamaya was so corny. Diggy laughed too, and we all gathered to take a picture together. After that, Jamaya and I left the room and headed over to where the boys were.

When Jamaya and I walked in, the boys looked up and smiled huge. "Hey!" Prince said enthusiastically. I laughed, "Hey, guys." Prince ended up playing with Jamaya's long hair, while Ray started telling her jokes. Meanwhile, Roc strolled over to me, "Hi, what's up?" I giggled like an idiot, "Nothing, just chilling with my favorite band, no biggie. I'm Amber, by the way." I held out my hand for him to shake it. He smiled, and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, Amber." That's one thing I loved about Roc; he was so considerate and caring, even in interviews. That's when I turned around, and I noticed Prod smiling at me. "Hey Prod," I said, trying to remain calm. I guess he sensed my nerves, cause he chuckled softly. "Hey, Amber. I really like your necklace." I looked down and noticed my teddy bear necklace, dangling from around my neck. I looked up at him again and smiled, "Oh, thanks! I like yours, too." And then, it got awkward. I didn't really know what to say to him; I was struggling to make conversation. He broke the silence, "Uh, I know we just kinda met and everything, but I was wondering if we could hang out sometime? You know, if that's okay with you. We can exchange numbers, and keep in touch." My heart literally skipped a beat. I could tell Prod was a little nervous, so that made me feel better. I could feel my face heat up as I blushed, "Sure! That's a great idea." I told Prod my number, and he wrote it in his phone. He did the same for me. By then, the security was urging us to take our picture, so the other fans could have there chance with the boys. We all gathered in front of the camera, with Prod and my left, and Roc on my right. I wrapped one arm around each of them, Prod had his arm my hips, and Roc wrapped his arm around my waist. The photographer snapped two pictures, and we hugged the boys goodbye. "Remember, keep in touch," Prod said to me before we left the room. I smiled, "I will." With that, I turned to Jamaya and we walked out of the room.

I let out a sigh of relief, "I can't believe that really just happened. Maybe Prodigy does like me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaming this time." Jamaya giggled, "See, I told you it was possible." I just smiled as Jamaya and I walked down the hallway that led to the seats for the show. I thought about how nice it would be to actually date Prodigy, in real life. How much he'd take care of me; how much we'd love each other. I guess I got too caught up in my daydreaming, because I bumped into someone, and we both fell to the ground. I was too disoriented for a second to notice who it was, so I just helped them up, and dusted myself off. That's when I looked up, and I realized who it was. Bahja. Just the mere sight of her made goosebumps arise all over my skin. Dozens of flashbacks from my dream flooded my memory. "I am so sorry Bahja. I wasn't looking where I was goi-" I stopped speaking immediately when I noticed the necklace around her neck. A single pink crystal. I simply stared at it, and my mind froze. "No... It can't be..." I thought to myself. Bahja rolled her eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Just be more careful next time, okay? I don't think you'd want to get me upset." At that moment, the most surreal, frightening, unthinkable happened.

The necklace faintly glowed.

Bahja didn't hesitate to walk past me and Jamaya with an attitude. I could hear Jamaya suck her teeth. "Gosh, some people are so rude. C'mon, Amb. Let's get to our seats." But, I couldn't move. I stood there in middle of the hallway, frozen from fright. Did this mean that Bahja really did posses some type of power? The same one I foresaw in my dream? The simple thought of that made me want to break down and cry. And at the worst possible timing, the sensation I felt when something went wrong in my dream, came over me. The same one that came when the stage fell on Ray, the day Laurielle was hurt, and the day Diggy's party was burned down. And right then, at that very moment, I knew that the drama I had faced was far from over...

For this was only the beginning.

                                                   To Be Continued...

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