Green Mickey Shirt

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I walked back into the living room after I finished cleaning the kitchen. Two-Bit and Soda were sitting on the floor, staring at the television. I stood there, leaning on the doorframe, watching Soda. Golly, he was so cute. He noticed and looked back at me, flashing me a smile. I quickly looked away and walked into the living room.

"You guys are nuts," I muttered, sitting on the couch.

"Rock 'N' Rodent is the best movie, Hazel. You just wouldn't understand," Sodapop joked.

"Yeah," Two-Bit agreed, "Oh, hey! I forgot to tell you guys!"


"I got a new Mickey shirt!" He shouted, pointing to his shirt.

"I didn't even notice. It looks the same as the ones you wear everyday," I mumbled.

"How can you not notice? This is dark green," he pointed out.

"I see that."

"The only other green one I have is light green."

"Wow, Two-Bit," I said, chuckling.

"Shh, guys! I'm trying to watch a movie!" Soda called from the TV.

"Oh I'm sorry, your highness," I mumbled.

We watched the rest of the movie, which was really stupid. It was some dumb animated kids movie, that for some reason they liked. At first, I thought they were kidding and they really didn't want to watch it. But, they actually watched it and seemed interested. I mean, they watch Mickey Mouse for God's sake, who knows with them.

"Ah, shoot, I gotta go. I gotta get to work," Sodapop said once the movie was over. He ran into his room and grabbed his DX shirt. He slipped his other shirt off, revealing his abs. I stared at him, my mouth falling open. He started to look at me, but I snapped back into reality and looked away.

"Golly, Hazel, you're drooling!" Two-Bit joked.

"Shut your trap, Two-Bit," I snapped.

Soda chuckled a little, and I swear I saw him blush, but he looked away.

"Alright, well, I'm out of here. Bye, Two. Uh... bye, H--Hazel," he called, walking out the door.

Two-Bit flipped through the channels until he found something that he liked. Which was another stupid animated movie.

"Well, I should go home," I announced once the movie credits started rolling.

"You sure?" Two-Bit asked, smirking, "Soda's probably going to be here soon."

"Yeah, I know," I said, blushing a little, "if he comes here, you can tell him he can come to my house if he wants."

Two-Bit winked at me, "alright, I will, but he probably knows he can come into your room whenever."

"Oh my gosh, Two-Bit!" I squealed

"You be careful out there, ya hear? Darry'll skin me if anything happens to you."

"I will, I will," I promised, walking out the door.

As I walked home, all I could think about was Sodapop changing earlier.

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