"Shame. It's always the simple mistakes that get us killed," Arthur moved to strike Emma with the sword but he was blocked by Excalibur, "Excalibur..." His breathing became shallow, "It's whole," Arthur said.

"Yes, it is," Arthur and Emma looked at Alana, "But it's not going to help you. This sword doesn't control anyone now," Alana said and she waved her hand, throwing Arthur against a tree.

Emma's breathing was heavy as she stood up, "I suppose I should say thank you," Emma said.

"You don't need to say anything," Alana looked at her, "Just don't do that again," Alana said.

"Neal told me about what happened at his father's cabin," Emma said.

"What did he tell you? That he refused to accept me or then he doesn't love me?" Alana said.

"It's a bit more complicated than that," Emma said.

"Doesn't matter. I'm the Dark One," Alana said.

"You're more than the Dark One. You're still you. You saved me. That was Alana," Emma said.

"What do you want from me?" Alana asked as her eyes got tearful.

"I want to help you. And I need your help to do it. Please Ana, who is Nimue, and how can she defeat the darkness? Talk to me, I'm your big sister," Emma pleaded.

"Nimue doesn't matter anymore. This will all be over tomorrow," Alana said.

"What will be over? And why do you need that damned sword? All this power and you don't even have the courage to answer one simple question. Why do you need Excalibur?" Emma said.

"Goodbye, sister," Alana said and she started to walk away.

"I know you're still in there, Ana," Alana stopped walking, "And I know that despite everything, you always have your reasons!" Emma said

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"I know you're still in there, Ana," Alana stopped walking, "And I know that despite everything, you always have your reasons!" Emma said.

"You're right!" Alana turned to her, "You want to know why I'm doing all of this? I'm this for you!" Alana said and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

Neal and Killian came running over, "What that Lana?" Neal asked.

"Yeah..." Emma said.

"Swan, you alright love?" Killian asked.

"What did she say?" Neal asked.

"I know why she's doing all this... Why she accepted the darkness," Emma said tearfully as she looked at them.

"Why?" Neal asked.

"For me... She did it for me," Emma said.

"What? Why?" Killian asked.

"I don't know," Emma said with a shrug.

Flashback: Outside Camelot - Three Weeks Earlier...

Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUAT || Double Swan #5]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu