Nimue took the Grail out of the bag and Merlin inhaled deeply and gasped as an image appeared in his head, "Vortigan. He's here, over the horizon, the way we came! Hurry!" Merlin said.

"He's just a man! You two could kill him with one magical word," Nimue said.

"If we use magic to kill, darkness will take root inside of us. Nothing... Nothing is worth risking that... Come," Merlin said.

"But I thought..." Nimue said and looked at Morgana said.

"I'm the darker side of the light, but I'm not dark, I have no darkness and I'd rather not get any," Morgana said.

500 Years Later...

They took cover as they saw guards with a cauldron of acid inside.

"Back," Neal whispered.

"You suppose that's for us?" Robin asked.

"I have a feeling we don't want to find out," Regina said.

"Come on. Let's keep moving," Killian said and they continued moving.

"I keep waiting for the axe to fall," Emma said.

"I didn't think she had it in her, but... Zelena hasn't screwed us... Yet," Regina said.

Outside King Arthur's castle, Mary Margaret and Zelena were waiting for the others.

"Good thing we're in the shade. I guess the sun's a problem for you now that you're not green," Zelena began sobbing, "Oh, no," Mary Margaret said as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm finally trying to do something to help and nobody believes me!" Zelena said.

"It's the hormones talking," Mary Margaret said.

"No! She's always the winner and I'm always the loser and she's gonna take away my baby!" Zelena said as she cried then suddenly she groans and held her stomach in pain.

"Zelena... Zelena? Zelena, are you in pain?" Mary Margaret said as she walked over to help her.

Suddenly, Zelena kicked Mary Margaret and tied her up, she grunted, "Not now that you've shut up! Oh, there's no rest for the wicked," Zelena said.

500 Years Earlier...

In the forest, Morgana, Merlin and Nimue walked up to an altar with a small fire pit.

"It's amazing," Nimue said.

Merlin laughed softly, "Come. You'll see that's an understatement," Merlin said.

Nimue took out the Grail, "Are you sure this will work?" Nimue asked.

Merlin took the Grail from her, "I'm quite sure. This will give me the life I wish for... Shorter... And full of love and meaning," Merlin said.

"Come on Merlin, before I talk you out of it," Morgana said with a smile.

Merlin walked over to her, he placed the Grail in front of the fire. Morgana and Merlin began to cast a spell on it, Morgan reached forward enlarging the flames, before directing the flames into the Grail.

Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUAT || Double Swan #5]Where stories live. Discover now