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The next morning, after they woke up, Hyunjin and Jeongin stood up and went to eat something.
they woke up quite late, and while they both were eating they saw changbin sitting at the table, wearing something that someone would normally wear going out (and not staying at home).

"are you going somewhere?" asked jeongin.

"no, just some friends are coming over,"

after a while, they hear a knock on the door and changbin runs to open it. a guy, that hyunjin has saw a really few times but recognised as bang chan, enters and says 'hi'. behind him, hyunjin noticed another guy— HOLY FUCK, MINHO? what the fuck is he doing here?

unfortunately for hyunjin, minho as noticed him too and looked at him; he looked at the younger with a really sad look. why the fuck is he sad now? hyunjin is the one that should feel like that, the older keeps on giving him fake hopes.

"hey..." is heard from minho, although that 'hey' was mostly directed at hyunjin, since he was the only one he was and have looked at since he came inside.

hyunjin, instead, didn't say anything, he just tried to smile at chan to not seem impolate.

"hi chan," said jeongin with a really sweet lovey-dovey voice tone to then look at minho, "and hi too you too i guess,"

minho, with changbin and chan, were sitting on the couch and talking about who knows what, while hyunjin and jeongin were still sitting down at the table.

hyunjin had to admit that seeing minho here, after running away from his apartament in the middle of the night, wasn't nice.
he would have prefered to casually met him at college, at the supermarket, at the cafe- everywhere else rather than his friend's house; he really didn't feel like seeing him right now.

hyunjin and jeongin weren't talking to each others now; they didn't have subject to talk about, except talk about minho, but he was right there and it didn't seem appropriate.
instead they both were on their phones.
a notification arrives to hyunjin's phone.

can we talk?


can you at least look at me for a second?

hyunjin actually lifted his gaze for a second, before rapidly looking back at his phone


but you just looked!

no i didn't

you did!
now can you talk to me a bit?
oh you aren't replying anymore
c'mon man

hyunjin has stopped replying, he would like to talk to the elder, but at the same time he doesn't.
he told jeongin that he was going to the bathroom and left the room. he didn't need to use the bathroom, he just couldn't take being in the same room as minho anymore.

before he could enter the bathroom he feels a hand grab his wrist; he turned and fuck, it's him again.


"hey," the older had a small grin on his face now, "can we talk now?"


"yes, we CAN,"

"i need to use the bathroom,"

"liar," minho laughed "by the way, you got really pretty marks on your neck,"

"what?" hyunjin tried to, somehow, look at his neck, not being capable to do it, minho laughed "the hickeys,"

"yeah, fuck you about that,"

"mhm? you want more?" said the elder, teasely.

"aren't we just friends? would you give hickeys to your friend?"

"that's why are you mad? that i told you the truth?"

"truth? yeah, why else?"

"what was i supposed to tell you then?"

"i don't know..." the younger boy looked down at his feet.

"exactly, i don't know either, i just said what was true, we are friends"

hyunjin kept looking down, not knowing what to say.

"mm? you aren't talking anymore?" minho put his finger under hyunjin's chin to lift so he'd be looking right in his eyes, "does the truth bothers you so much, huh? do you wanna change it?"

hyunjin was speechless, but what happened next left him without any word. minho, slowly, got closer to hyunjin and kissed him. it wasn't their first kiss together, but he was so shocked.

"hyunjin, my love, this isn't how i honestly thought of asking you this, but do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

the younger immediately hugged him.

"is this a yes?" asked minho, since he got no reply from hyunjin.


their beautiful moments suddentry gets interrupted thought. 

"FUCKING FINALLY! I HAVE TO TELL THIS TO YVES!" aaaaa jeongin, you could have waited a bit before bothering the two. 

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