CHAPTER 20 Color me scared

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One of the good things about having an idol brother is, mastering learning to live with always having good-looking men around you, without getting flustered. This experience is what will get me through spending 2 days 1 night with Me2U.

The boys are exhausted from the whole day spent in the amusement park, so when they are expecting us to drop them off in their dorm so they could fall face first in bed, they get another surprise from the crew. We had a countryside villa booked and ready for the members, a day off from their practice. When the boys see the villa, they run around the place, exploring.

The crew had decided on rotating shifts so that we don't miss out on anything the members require. My room is directly beside the huge balcony of the villa. As the boys are choosing the rooms, I put my bag in my room and look out of the window.

In the countryside, the snow is melting and a little green below the snow is starting to show. It's only 4 PM, and the sky looks brilliant blue. I sit on the bed wondering for the 100th time if lying to everyone is a good decision. Unlike what I show, I really do have thoughts about telling everyone the truth. But then I think about the reactions I would get if I revealed that I'm Byun Ji Hyun's sister.

I sigh loudly, turning towards the door which is directly in front of the balcony of the villa. Standing there, looking at me with his head tilted, is Edward. I blink and self-consciously straighten my jacket. "What?" I mouth him.

His eyes narrow and a small smile plays on his lips which then form the words, "Nothing. Just beautiful." My eyes widen in shock. Did I make it out correctly? His smile widens and tapping the railing of the balcony he shouts, "Hyung, I want this room." Then turning as if no explanation is required, he leaves the balcony.

Huh. What just happened?

I've watched this type of moment in many dramas, usually, this behavior is categorized as flirting. So, is he? Flirting? With me? No, right? Am I just going insane? Agh! Stupid dramas always confusing people's minds!

After some overthinking, I join the crew again. The boys have chosen rooms and they settle in the large living room. Joon Jae has arranged a video call due to his schedule with Me2U. He suggests them to complete the missions given to them.

The members play various games to complete the missions and receive a treasure. Yoo Jin, who is somehow still brimming with energy pushes the exhausted members to complete the missions. It's funny watching him literally push Soung Jae to run.

I'm enjoying their shout-in-silence game, there are some hilarious guesses by Rian when Hee Su comes to stand beside me. "Teamjangnim," she says in a low voice, "What should we do about tomorrow's schedule? Yang PD-nim was asking me..."

I go through the dairy I've made just to keep track of schedules, and see the boys have s voice coaching session the day after tomorrow. After so much activity today, the members are likely to get tired and want to regain their energy so I tell her, "Tomorrow, we leave after breakfast. The members will go back to their dorm and rest."

Hee Su bites her lip, "But PD-nim asked if we can extend this trip to tomorrow and get more footage...?" she says hesitantly watching my face.

I frown and pat her arm telling her, "I'll talk to him directly." No need to get the innocent to make rounds. I move towards Yang PD-nim who is talking to one of his team, avoiding the reach of cameras.

Seeing me come towards him, he smiles slyly. "Byun teamjang, I was just looking for you. I hear you are the talk of the town these days." He says looking me up and down.

Irked by the statement, I try to ignore it and talk directly about the topic, "The members would be having a busy Monday, so we should end the shoot after tomorrow's breakfast." He laughs as if I've said something funny. Confused by his behavior I ask, "Sorry, did I miss some joke?"

Yang PD and a few of the staff around him laugh, others following his lead. "You are sure it is the members' schedule that is conflicting with the shoot?" Yang PD asks, chuckling.

Taking a deep breath to calm my frustration, gritting my teeth I ask, "What do you mean?"

He looks at his team member he had just been talking to and with another sly smile, he asks, "Are you sure it is not your schedule that's stopping our shoot? I hear you are making some good connections in GEN."

My mind goes into panic mode for the second time in the day, why-oh-why does this have to happen to me? "Connections?" I ask playing dumb.

"Yes." Yang PD replies folding his hands, "You've been spotted by the cameras in intimate positions with our playboys Ji Hyun and Lee Joon Jae apparently. You have exceeded all our expectations." He says as if he's teasing me as if he's my friend.

I'm no friend of his. And the way he has just talked to me, I will make sure I never become one. Fisting my hands, I say, "Actually, you have exceeded my expectations." Yang PD looks at me in surprise at my statement. He didn't expect me to talk back. "I had no idea that even in such reputed company as GEN, the employees would be so small-minded," I say with a chuckle.

There are a few gasps around us. "Excuse me?" the man standing beside Yang PD says moving forward defensively.

I give him a disgusted smile. "Just because some random person saw me talking to Ji Hyun-shi and Joon Jae-shi, you are assuming that I am in some sort of intimate relationship with not one but both of them?" I ask upping my disgusted look. "I'm amazed by the thinking of you people really."

"So, are you saying that there is nothing romantic between you and those two?" Yang PD has the nerve to ask.

I don't even bother to shake my head. "Even if there was, I don't think that would have been any of your business," I tell him and turn to go but looking at the scene in front of me, I freeze. In the time that I've been having a war of words with Yang PD, the shooting has stopped. Everyone was on the break and those everyone has probably listened to each and everything I've said in the last 10 minutes. And what Yang PD has accused me of.

Making fists of my hands, I swallow and straighten, looking forward. My eyes connect with Edward's as he looks at me with an expressionless face. Well, I guess now I won't have to worry about his advances. Good. Walking straight towards Si A, I tell her, "The shoot ends after breakfast, tomorrow." And leave the guesthouse.

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