CHAPTER 29 Love, as we know it

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The boys are clearly in a good mood. They walk with lighter steps, making comments on the view, about the couples that walk hand in hand. Ji Soo puts his arm around Yoo Jin's and leans his head on his shoulder after watching a couple, saying, "We should do it too."

Yoo Jin gives him a weirded-out look then he too leans his head on Ji Soo's. Edward and I laugh at their exchange. Edward's arm nudges mine, and although I want to look, I ignore it thinking it must be because we are walking so close to each other. But a moment later, a large hand slips into mine, entwining our fingers.

I look down at the sudden contact, feeling static and butterflies dance in my stomach. On my other side, Yoo Jin says, "Sure, let us all do it." And links his other arm with mine. I breathe deeply as Edward's fingers tighten around mine and he rubs my thumb with his.

A group of high school girls passes us. Yes, I can totally understand their pointed fingers and dreamy sighs. I'm feeling like I'm back in high school, all excited about attending the fin sign event of 'Daylight'. Wait a minute, why are they pointing their phones at us. Oh shit!

I immediately shrug away from Edward and Yoo Jin, breaking the chain. What were you thinking Emmy? These are not your normal friends who you can walk around with. These are celebrities! And seeing them as normal people will only hurt me later.

Not only that, they have just debuted. They can't be seen with a girl. It would be a scandal even bigger than being associated with a political party. Get your head right, you idiot!

"Guys, people are starting to recognize you. I think we should go back," I say lowering my volume as the girls follow right behind us. "It's getting dark, I'll drive you back." I can tell the boys have seen the students following us too, so they nod to my suggestion.

Turning back suddenly, I come face to face with the girls following us. They are holding their phone in front of their faces, most likely taking photos and videos. I put a polite smile on my face and nod at them. "Excuse us," I say and try to go around them but they continue blocking me.

The camera flash blinds as they take pictures. "Oh, aren't you Ji Soo oppa? I'm right! You are from Me2U! wah!", a girl says nudging another girl.

"Oh, really! Oppa, you look really handsome in real life!" another one says.

"Ah, I've become a fan of Me2U after your performance on the music show," someone from the back says.

"Can you take a picture with us?" and suddenly everyone is taking pictures with the boys, unintentionally capturing me in their pictures too.

One of the girls points the camera at my face and asks, "Unni, are you a celebrity? Singer? Or Idol?"

"Me?" I ask, perplexed. "No, no, I'm not," I say taking a step back.

"But you look like one! Wah, look at that unni's hair! That's really pretty!" the one who first recognized the boys say.

I give them an uncertain smile. "I'm their... manager," I say since that's the best they could accept. "But, hankseng (Students), we really need to get going now. Your oppas need to go back home so they could appear on another music show tomorrow," I explain, making up a lie.

The boys catch on and nod, giving short explanations and that's how we get back to our car. Yoo Jin huffs, "Whew! That was hectic!"

I giggle, "And that was just five high school girls." Patting Ji Soo, who pretends to wipe off his sweat I say, "It's just the start."

We get in the car, Edward running and getting in the passenger seat just in time to beat Yoo Jin. Yoo Jin makes a face but gets in the backseat with Ji Soo. As I drive to their dorm, Edward says, "Noona, as you saw today, many people seem to like us, many are interested in us now. But... I don't know how I feel about them yet."

I frown looking at the road. "Why is that?"

Ji Soo says from the backseat, "I think I know what Eli wants to say. The Hyungs and Sunbaenim talk about how they love the fans. But how can you say you love someone you don't even know?"

Edward nods and explains in English, "I can love the members because I work with them, I need them in my life. But with fans, they don't even know the real us. How can I say I love them?"

I wet my lips considering the situation. Hyun must have at some point had the same question. What approach would my brother have taken? "I know someone who is famous," I say in the silence. "He is a total narcissist, in my opinion, he loves himself too much." I tell them shaking my head, "But even when he loves himself so much when he sees people buying his albums, listening to his music, coming to concerts to watch him dance; rather than thinking about himself, he always puts those people first."

"Why?" Yoo Jin whispers.

I smile, "I too don't know. It may be because even if it's not the love as we all know it, he still loves those people who have taken time out of their schedule, and heard his voice for those five minutes. Maybe the gratefulness he feels towards those people is what he calls love."

Silence resends over the car again, everyone in their own thought. Edward breaks the silence by asking, "I think I understand it somewhat. But then I still love the members more than the fans. I'm more thankful for them. Does that make sense?"

Yoo Jin slaps Edward's shoulder as he chuckles, "Hya, our maknae! Your words are really pretty, so much sense."

Ji Soo, too praises Edward, saying, "Really, your comments are getting better and better. At this rate, nobody would be able to tell you aren't Korean."

I laugh at them as they tease and praise Edward. He too laughs, shyly looking at me and crinkling his nose. "But, Mi Rae-ya, who were you talking about? The example?" Yoo Jin asks out of the blue.

"Huh?" I say flustered, "Uh... you may not know but I'm a really big fangirl. Multifandom. Though I'm the biggest fan of 'Daylight'," I say truthfully but what do I say next?

"Really? I'm a Ray (Daylight fandom name) too!" Ji Soo says putting his face between the front seats. "Do you know anyone from Daylight personally?" he asks.

I pretend to focus on driving to get out of answering the question, but all three of them look at me. Damn! "No," I say, gritting my teeth. "It's just something I heard on a TV show from someone." I lie. "I just turned it to consider your situation."

Yoo Jin scoffs and teasingly says, "Wah, Mi Rae. You're really talented. I thought you actually heard that advice from someone. I almost gave you my respect..."

I raise my brows and bring the car to stop in front of the dorm, "You should respect! I know where you live, and I happen to have a lot of super glue lying around."

Ji Soo laughs, "Did you hear that? She just threatened you that she will super glue you if you don't respect her. Awesome!"

Edward claps his hands as he too laughs watching Yoo Jin's horrified expression which turns into sly. "Hehe! I'm going to use this idea on Seung Jae hyung!" he says letting out an evil-sounding laugh.

I shake my head at them. "Get out, people!" I say but remember something last minute. Catching Edward's sleeve, I signal him to wait as he opens the car door. Taking out the packet of cookies from the glove box, I hand it to him. "Share them with everyone," I say after Yoo Jin and Ji Soo get out.

Edward looks at the packet and asks, "Did you make them?" I nod shyly. Edward smiles and holding the packet close to his chest replies, "Then I want them all for myself."

I blink. "No... how can you...?" I don't know what to say to that. All I can do is bite my lip to control the blush forming on my face and neck. "Share them," I repeat and nudge Edward towards the door. Why does the car feel so hot in the middle of the winter?!

Yoo Jin taps on the window right on time, "What are you doing? Let's go Eli-ah! It's freezing out here!" Edward looks from cookies to me again and giving a nod and mischievous smile gets out of the car. Bending down after closing the door, the boys wave at me. Edward points at the packet and says, "We'll enjoy the cookies, noona! Drive safely!"

I nod and put my car into the drive as I hear Ji Soo asking, "Cookies? What cookies? Hya, she should have given them to me-" I don't know whether to laugh at their banter or get rid of my blush. Agh! 

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