CHAPTER 5 Less talk, more ice cream

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People... people! Here's the beautiful digital art of the beautiful Lee Joon Jae by our beautiful thecolormark! If you haven't followed her on Instagram yet, you better go and do it now!  Please continue to support me and show your love for your favorite character! Now, enjoy reading!

"Should we go talk somewhere now?" he asks and my mind runs away imagining the probability of people recognizing him and then finding out about me. If we talk here, they will surely think we know each other. But won't it be worse if some fan takes his picture while talking to me outside?

I must have looked more nervous than I intended because Joon Jae chuckles lightly and comforts me by saying, "Don't worry. If anyone asks I'll just say we were discussing some ideas for the show. After all, I do have the experience to give you suggestions."

Though that statement sounds more arrogant than comforting, I agree it is true. Squinting my eyes at him I say, "Fine, but I have to get back to work soon." Turning my back to him, I walk towards the elevator almost forgetting that he's the important person here.

This attitude would one day take you down... I hear my mother's voice in my head. So slowing down as I reach the elevator, I motion him to get inside faking the politeness as much as my acting abilities allow it.

Getting in while laughing under his breath, Joon Jae presses the 1st-floor button where 'Cool-GEN' café is located. This would give us privacy from employees but not public as the café is where fans like to gather sometimes. Analyzing the situation, I take out my mask from my coat pocket and put it on.

While I'm busy putting on the mask, Joon Jae looks at me and raises his brows. "What? Now you are embarrassed to be seen in public with me?" he asks me jokingly.

I cock my head and make a show of studying him from head-to-toe and back. "When you look like that? Why do you even have to ask, Oppa?" I tease him.

Looking down at his polka-dotted pants, he dusts off some invisible lint from his bright pink t-shirt. Then folding his arms in front he cocks his hip. "Why? Do you find it too beautiful? Are you regretting never before considering this combination?" he asks sounding like some uptight designer.

This is why people like him. He is a crazy soul, not afraid to mock himself.

I know Joon Oppa doesn't mind what he wears most of the time. He does have an unhealthy obsession with the color red; exactly like my brother, and sometimes he makes his stylists prepare exact same clothes for him as his favorite anime characters. But usually, he is seen in tracksuits and slippers and loose clothes like he is wearing today.

And the most amazing thing is that he looks good no matter what he is wearing. Hell, he makes these totally uncoordinated outfits look like the trendiest clothes. With his curly black hair and milky white skin, he totally looks like a life-sized doll.

Shaking my head at him I say, "Aren't you tired of all this narcissism, Oppa? Such self-obsession is hard work."

"Hmm... it is hard to look like me, isn't it?" he tries to say but I can tell even saying this is embarrassing him. He laughs at his own embarrassment which is so cute that I can't hold back my laugh either.

"Aju chinchane! (I compliment you!) really." I say between chuckles as the elevator comes to stop. We somehow stop laughing and get out. This time, Joon Oppa looks around and puts on a black mask with a Chinese character printed on it.

Leaning towards him I whisper, "Oppa, putting that on is a clear sign that it's you. That mask just refutes its own purpose."

He pauses a minute pressing his hand on his eyes. "I know, but it's still a better option than giving them proof." He says then points a finger at me. "Hya, this is all for you! You needed to keep a low profile." He accuses me and opens the café door for me. A jerk and a gentleman, two in one; told you about the mood swings.

Joon Jae asks for a private booth for two to the hostess and we are soon seated at the specifically designated booth for celebs. Here celebs can enjoy food without caring about any fans taking a picture of them stuffing their face.

Ordering the famous chocolate sundae in 'Cool-GEN' is a must, whatever the weather. One can't say no to ice cream. So without even looking at the menu, we order two chocolate sundaes.

As soon as the order is given I turn to Joon Jae and say, "Oppa, thanks for pretending not to know me. The staff doesn't know who I am and I want to keep it like that for now. It's not like I'm some chaebol(rich heir) pretending to be a commoner, I just don't want others to treat me like a gateway to my brother's good graces."

He listens to my reasons for not wanting to reveal I'm Hyun's sister then says, "I know... I know why you would feel like that. But how long are you planning to keep this up? You know, one way or other, someday Hyun is bound to come face-to-face with you. Will you pretend not to know him then? He can't treat you as just a regular employee. He's your brother, Mi Rae-ya!"

I rub my forehead, knowing that the situation Joon Jae is talking about was even closer than he realized. If I had asked for my first project to be Hyun's solo album as he wanted me to, I was done for. "I know... but that is a bridge I will cross when the time comes. I just-"I stop as the server brings in our order.

Two beautiful chocolate sundaes with crumbled waffles and dripping chocolate sauce are put on our table. The one closest to me has not one but two strawberries dipped in chocolate on top of the ice cream.

I can't help but admire the work of art with hearts in my eyes. I may have drooled there a little. Imagining taking the first bite of ice cream and then just a taste of the strawberry to refresh the flavor...

Hearing a weird sound, I look up at Joon Jae who is laughing at something. His phone is in his hand so he's probably texting one of his many friends. He's popular among men and women equally, with that personality of his.

He is said to be one of the most connected celebrities in the industry. At just 5 years older than Hyun he and Joon Jae resemble each other a lot, making them best of friends with similar interests.

Though no one can match Joon Jae's mood swings. I've seen him go from happily singing to shouting and throwing a tantrum in the space of 5 seconds. Since he also plays computer and mobile games with my brother, Hyun admires his Sunbae(senior) like crazy. And I can't fault him except when they are together, the crazy level goes from 10 to 100 in no time.

These thoughts about my brother are just a way to induce more headache so I go back to admire my ice cream. Taking out the strawberries, to be eaten separately later, I take my first bite of heaven. Joon Jae is still doing something on his phone which he finishes in the next 2 minutes and digs into his own ice cream.

See, told you; one just can't resist ice cream.

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