CHAPTER 32 Trouble All-Around

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It is definitely starting to show.

With every passing day, the power of lies that we are telling gets stronger. And even though no one significant has noticed yet, it is starting to show.

How, you ask me? Well, for example, Song Woo asked me if he could invite Khol (Paradise) as a guest on Me4U since they are friends, I froze. There I had no definite reason to refuse him, so I promised him I would talk to Khol myself and ask if he is ready to do it. The next thing I did was call all the Paradise and Last Moon members, except the ones I had already contacted beforehand, and reinforce the message to not reveal that they know me. At the least, just hide that they know me through Hyun.

Now even the people I'm close to, have to pretend to be strangers. Every person around me is either a liar or is lied to. Well, there are some exceptions. The ray of light in the darkest hour; Rita and Young Min.

In the last month, the friendship we had formed only bloomed. We worked together, had lunch together when our schedules permitted it, and since they now know all about it, they listened to my frustrated complaints when I needed to vent.

"I say, enjoy it! When can you get the chance to act like your family is not your family? As I wisely stated yesterday; you can't choose your family," Rita says linking her arm with mine as we get off the elevator.

"That's the problem! It would have been easy if everyone in his vicinity didn't know about it," I tell her dragging my feet. There's no use, I know since I would still have to attend the meeting.

"Don't worry about it too much though. Since we have already decided the distribution, it wouldn't be an issue," Young Min says matching his steps with us.

I nod unenthusiastically. Today, we are meeting with the artists for the preparation of collaboration song and performance distribution for 25th Anniversary concerts. The collab song will be used for publicity purposes as well as, as the encore song for all the concerts.

Collaboration entails, all the people I'm hiding and those I'm hiding from would be at the same place. But it's time to face the music and my best not to crumble under pressure.

As we enter the meeting hall, the A&R team is already setting up. I and Yoon teamjang check up on the things as Rita discusses the possible stage scenarios with the performance directors in the room. Seeing her putting her point strongly, I smile to myself and say, "She always acts so cool and aloof, but look at her now. Where does this person come from?"

Young Min chuckles beside me, "She's good at her work." Picking at the admiration in his tone, I give him a surprised look. He suddenly looks away from Rita and fakes a cough. "That's all she's got. Otherwise, she's just an obnoxious person," he says unconvincingly.

"Right..." I reply smiling broadly. How can I not recognize the affection in their bickering? What do they think I am? A wall?

Looking at my phone as it vibrates, I decide, someday I would confront Rita about this thing between the two of them. But the thought flies out of my mind as I read the notification.

It is a news headline from a website of entertainment news. And it reads:



The best time for my mind to go blank again!

I'm in a daze as I try to process what I've read. It's been less than two days since I talked to my brother and even during our last call, he didn't mention anything about this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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