CHAPTER 2 Stars Aligned

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Hey readers, thank you so much for your love and support for the first chapter! Here is the wonderful digital art character design of our one and only Byun Ji Hyun by thecolormark !  Follow her on Instagram for more beautiful art! Now get back to the story--->

Let's have a moment of silence for all those who thought that I won't be good at my job. From the very first day, I threw myself all into my work. Two weeks of training with the person who held my position previously, and I am now proudly a full-time employee of GEN Entertainment. It wasn't easy by any shot, I had to learn the work in a very short time and Mr. Xi who was my mentor was the busiest person in the world it seemed. But I made it work.

On the day of onboarding, I was told that I would be leading a team of six content writers, 2 of which were joining on the same day as me. Hee Su, a doe-eyed girl of my age, and Se Ju; an experienced content writer joined with me. I can say that my team took me being their leader rather easy, in a similar situation it would have been a disaster because I wasn't just the most inexperienced on the team but I was also the youngest. In Korean society, the age of leaders is a controversial topic. Most would hate for their boss to be younger than them.

Not only that, but I was assigned to be the content manager of Team 1, which handles the toughest of matters in the Content and Planning Department. I was supposed to know everyone in the company and be on good terms with them because we are the salesperson behind the desk is what my boss told me. Being a software engineer, the tasks involving computers were easy for me, and my team could see that during the training. As for the leader part according to my podcast, 'leaders are not born in a day and one should strive to be a good team leader to the best of their ability'.

The other content writers of my team were a lot older than us and by their work, I could tell why they were on Team 1. I thought I would have to work harder to show them that I deserve my position, though my team is a friendly bunch. We had lunches together to get to know each other, but I always had my guard on. No one should find out about me being Hyun's sister. I was busy adjusting to office life so my family and friends only bothered me when I was home.

Mom asked me if I had seen her favorite drama actors since I started working, to which I had to deny since I really hadn't. There were appearances of some rookie celebrities, writers, and producers under GEN in office and lobby but no one who would know me. Dad, who was supposed to be telling me to work hard, suddenly was interested if I had met Kang Ho Min, the gagman. At least Mi Soo was being herself; she didn't like talking on the phone so she kept the conversation to a minimum.

Then there were my friends, who were more excited than I was to be working in GEN. It's not like they didn't already know someone working in GEN. They would call me for daily updates and gossip, which I have to agree, is one of the best parts of my day. Time well spent with friends, regular calls with my family, and unending questions from Paradise members took up all the time I had left out of office hours.

On weekend, my brother, who was on tour and couldn't be there for my joining sent me a link for a game. I saw it and very intelligibly ignored the invite.

Everyone who knows my brother knows that he is a game maniac. He would spend all of his free time gaming if he could. My mom once angrily asked him if there were a fire and his favorite game and she was in the room, and he could only save one thing, what would he save. Naturally, she was expecting him to say he would save her, but my dear brother told her, 'Omma, thayonaji (Mom, obviously) I would save the game. you can get yourself out, my game can't.' Let's just say he is still paying regular visits to the hospital after that comment.

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