CHAPTER 11 Home Sour Home

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I stand sulking in front of the room that I used to live in just 8 months back in my parents' house. The room that has now been cruelly claimed by their eldest.

"Ani(But)... why? Why do you always do this to me?" I ask for the ninth time since I got here to my mother who is busy making curry in the kitchen just a few feet away. "I was living in this room for 6 years. I have the legal right to stay here." I remind her.

It hasn't even been a complete year since I moved out and here my mother has already put fresh sheets and blankets on the bed for her son to sleep comfortably for the weekend.

My mother puts something in the pan before stirring the curry and says, "Emmy, be good to your oppa. He's been staying in uncomfortable hotels, touring, and not getting enough sleep. See how much weight he has lost in the last 3 months."

I look at the object of the statement as he scratches his stomach while lying on the sofa. His hair is disheveled, he has his glasses on while watching some period drama. How can this human look 'starved' to my mother? He doesn't even look like a human to me.

I pout making a sad face again and say, "Omma! He's been staying in five-star hotels and eating five-course meals. And just look at his belly, he's going to compete with dad next time to see whose belly is protruding more." I inform her looking angrily at Hyun, but he doesn't even poke his head over to see his sister's condition. "I'm the one who has to cook for herself, do all the chores. Shouldn't you be feeding me?" I ask feeling pity for myself since no one else seems to have time for it.

Mi Soo, who has been studying, comes out of her room with two bags of popcorn in hand and passes one to me then goes to sit beside Hyun.

Hyun hurriedly gets up and makes a place for Mi Soo to sit and grabs as much popcorn as he can in the hand from her bag. Pig, I think looking at my brother as I pop three popcorn in my mouth.

My mother sees what's in my hand and shouts, "Kids, stop eating popcorn. You won't have the appetite for lunch later." Then looking back at me she says, "You, do you want me to put your bed in the attic?"

Attic? NOOO!

"No! Ah..." I say rubbing my arms "There are rats in there!" I want to squeal just imagining the rats moving in the blankets as I sleep. Ew nooooo!

"Then just sleep in Mi Soo's room. I'll give you a thick mattress with heating pads." She declares with finality which means no further arguments would be entertained.

I feel the spirit deflate out of my body as if air form a balloon. Is this why my parents called me home? And here I thought they were worried about how I was living on my own.

Stomping to Mi Soo's room while eating the popcorn, yes mother looks at me rebelling, I take out the charger putting my phone on charging. Then taking out my work laptop I sit on Mi Soo's bed completing the work I've missed due to the teaser shoot.

An hour passes while working and soon my mother is calling for us to have lunch. Family lunches are a bit dangerous in our family. You would never know the places the conversation takes you. And in the end, there's always one person who leaves shouting or crying. And 80% of the time that person is me.

I arrange the cutlery around the table as everyone takes their seats. Taking bites of food, we all complement my mother's cooking. Everything is going well until... my father asks Hyun what his plans are now that the tour is over.

Hyun swallows his food then slowly says, "We have our comeback album to make. This will be 10th anniversary special so we are thinking of putting extra efforts into it."

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